Fiercely Lovedസാംപിൾ

Fiercely Loved

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 2 ദിവസം

God Most High has ideas about you that are so rare and beautiful they are outside our human comprehension. In Psalm 139, David exclaims that God’s thoughts are precious to him. What is God thinking? Thoughts of love. Thoughts of joy. Thoughts of peace. Thoughts of grace. Thoughts of mercy. Thoughts of creation. Thoughts of goodness. Thoughts of care.

Not only are these thoughts precious; they are innumerable. The task of beginning to number God’s thoughts is just as impossible as counting the sands of the seas. His thoughts never leave us; they are as constant as his love. Fiercely loved one, you have always been, you are, and you will always be on his mind.

And yet we rarely imagine that we are seen this way. These thoughts are the very antithesis of how we’ve learned to see ourselves. I was raised to believe that God was distant and disappointed. But in David’s words, we hear something unexpected; we hear wonder. David reveled in the wild truth that God actually treasured him. Alone in the wilderness, David had come to know the Most High as an intimate friend and confidant, someone who loved him and loved being with him.

Beholding the wonder, David pondered why God would notice him. God’s thoughts are always about his largeness rather than our smallness. One way you can honor his lordship is by choosing to accept how he feels about you. His love for you is not subject to how you feel about yourself. His love is selfless. He is love. His love is independent of how we look, feel, or act. We might as well surrender to this love that is beyond our comprehension.

The revelation that the God who is love loves you is exciting. If you are bored with the idea that God loves you, it’s because you’ve heard it but never experienced it. This realization that he constantly thinks of you is thrilling and should awaken a fresh enthusiasm in every aspect of your walk with the Father.

Our Father has never been disappointed by the thought of you. You are his idea. He created you. He loves you. He gave his Son to redeem you because you are always on his mind.

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