

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 7 ദിവസം

Choose Joy

Every day, we have the opportunity to make thousands of choices from what we wear to what we eat to when and how we work. One choice we must intentionally make every day is to choose joy.

Choosing joy is not about faking happiness. Choosing joy does not mean we have to choose to walk around with a fake smile on our face all the time, ignore reality, or suppress emotions such as sadness and anxiety. When we have a painful experience, we are allowed to feel a range of emotions. However, we should not be stuck in despair. Choosing joy is keeping in perspective that God can convert pain into purpose.

The prophet Habakkuk was going through tough times. Extreme poverty was coming. God had shown him the coming days when none of the crops or livestock—on which God’s people depended—would be fruitful. When you read Habakkuk 3, you realize Habakkuk acknowledges the pain, disappointment, frustration, and fear of what was coming. He is still determined to “rejoice in God.”

His focus was on God’s character and power rather than the circumstances. He could have joy because he was deeply anchored in the faithfulness of God. He chose joy in God because he knew that the God of his salvation would be faithful to see him through the worst. Even in a horrible bad-to-worse situation, he persisted in focusing on the bigness of God rather than the bigness of the problem.

Here’s a truth to treasure: We can have joy when we place our confidence and faith in the greatness, goodness, and faithfulness of God. How can we have joy in those moments when everything feels like it is falling apart? We can find joy in the trustworthiness of God’s promises. He has promised to be with us, strengthen us, care for us, and to answer our prayers. Whatever our ‘even though,’ bad to a worse situation—sickness, family crisis, financial trouble— we can rejoice as we put our hope in the God who is faithful.

Prayer: Dear God, Thank you that You are my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. When I am faced with difficulties, I will put my trust in You and cling tightly to your promise to work all things for good. When my world is turned upside down, I choose joy because I know You, and I know You are good, faithful, and trustworthy.

Reflect: How can you “rejoice in the Lord” during such times? What are some of God’s promises from the Bible that can help you remember to trust God?

For more encouragement from Joy, please go to: http://www.pocketfulofjoy.com/


ദിവസം 6

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്


Can we really be joyful? YES! We can be joyful when we allow God to fill us with His authentic joy that stands against the tides of life's adversity. This devotional packs a powerful dose of encouragement to give you insight into what is joy and how to be joyful, even when life is difficult.
