Faith - You Gotta Have It ഉദാഹരണം

Faith - You Gotta Have It

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 2 ദിവസം


Yesterday we looked at what faith is. That it is confidence and assurance. God’s plan for our lives is that we would live confident and assured in Him.

Today we ask: how do I get that kind of faith?

As Christians, we know we are called to have faith, to be a people of faith, and to live by faith. But sometimes we make it too much about ourselves, and not enough about God. We think faith starts with us. We think that we need to GET faith to approach God. But the amazing thing about God is that He is faithful towards us, way before we have faith in Him. We need to understand that God has already done the heavy lifting – he has gone before us.

Ephesians 1:4-5 says he chose us, adopted us, wanted us, well before we chose him. He loved us and chose us first. He was faithful to us, before we ever needed to be faithful to Him. Because of this, His faithfulness towards me gives me faith. I can be filled with faith because the God I serve is faithful.

This foundation of God’s faithfulness gives me confidence and assurance. It gives me faith. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that God is the same yesterday today and forever. He does not change, he does not run hot and cold, he is loyal, committed and firm towards us.

When I know the nature of God, it gives me great faith. Faith doesn’t come from striving, doing more, achieving things, but from knowing the nature and goodness of God. We make faith about action and outcomes, but God makes it about knowing who He is and living from that revelation. We don’t live FOR His approval; we live FROM His approval.

I can have faith today when I remember the nature and character of the God I serve. He is faithful so I can be faith-filled. Let that shape your faith response today!

As you read the key verses today, what does it remind you of the nature of God? Where have you been trying to earn God's approval, rather than living FROM God's approval?


ദിവസം 1ദിവസം 3

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Faith - You Gotta Have It

In this devotional we are going to talk about one of the key elements in our relationship with God. Jesus remarked on whether people had it or not. It creates an atmosphere around our lives. Without it, it is impossible to please Him. This factor is a game changer to our present-day reality and our future hope. We are talking about FAITH. You gotta have faith!
