Say All the Unspoken Things: A Book of Lettersഉദാഹരണം

Say All the Unspoken Things: A Book of Letters

5 ദിവസത്തിൽ 5 ദിവസം

DAY 5: Dreams and Legacy

My dearest children,

You have to fight for your dreams. This is your life, so dream big. Time will tell if your dreams will happen. Don’t be so afraid to fail that you don’t try. Take that first bold step. Always remember that a dream without work is just a wish.

Don’t wait for your dreams to come to you. Begin now. Don’t wait for others to validate your dreams before you take the first step. Work from a divine mandate and you won’t worry as much about pleasing others. You may create things that never make you famous or popular. You may get criticized. Begin anyway. Pursuing your dreams requires dedication, and dedication requires us to begin and begin again.

Being dedicated to our dreams is also about being faithful with what God has given us. It is developing the gifts God gave us and using them for the common good. Dedication matters. The ones who succeed are the ones who fall down and get up and keep going. Dreams require toughness, hard work, and practice to learn your craft and keep going when you fail or lose, when you get rejected or criticized.

Whatever you want to do, find a master and learn from him or her. You are responsible for whomever you choose as a teacher. Next, find a few people who believe in you. When you are discouraged and tired, they can keep you from quitting and give you courage. They can give you perspective and valuable feedback. Find friends who challenge you, but are not overly critical of you. There is a difference.

When it comes to your dreams, practice matters. Practice does not make perfect; it makes permanent. Learn to do it the right way, and then practice hard until it becomes an ingrained habit. Whenever you are trying to accomplish anything great, train with people who are more experienced, more capable, more accomplished than you are. Don’t avoid a challenge.

As you pursue your dreams, you will face resistance—from the outside but also from inside you and your mindset. Resistance discourages you and makes your dream look like an impossible mountain. When you believe a task is connected with your purpose, with the reason God put you on the earth, you find courage.

I’ve started to understand that time is not infinite. It is mortal and passing. Our experiences, over time, become memories. I’ve learned how to be intentional about how to spend my life with purpose. Our mortal lives are like vapor, and, one day, they will evaporate. Keep this in the front of your minds; it will help you live with purpose and urgency. It will help you say no to trivial things and time wasters.

Don’t say yes to something without considering what it will require of you. Don’t submit to the pressures and whims of others. Life is precious and fleeting. Remember, you are beautiful and only here for a short time. God has blessed you, so rise up. Spend your lives wisely. Make wise choices and find a few good friends. Find out what you love, your calling and heart song. Speak it, live it, and sing it.

Dream big dreams,


What dreams do you feel called to pursue?

What steps do you need to take to pursue your dreams? What do you need to say “no” to and what do you need to say “yes” to as you step boldly forward?

Who in your life can speak courage and truth to you as you pursue God’s call and your heart song? Who needs you to speak courage and truth for him or her?


Thank you, Lord, that you have a purpose for my life. Help me to dream big, persevere, choose wisely how to spend my finite time on earth, and keep my focus on the prize awaiting me. You have blessed me with the gifts and resources needed to honor you with my life. And may I bless others along the way. Amen.


ദിവസം 4

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Say All the Unspoken Things: A Book of Letters

This reading plan includes five daily devotions based on John Sowers’ book Say All the Unspoken Things: A Book of Letters. These devotions, based on letters John Sower wrote to his daughters, proclaim the love God has for you, the worth he ascribes to you, and privilege of facing life in God’s strength.
