7 Prayers for Your Nationഉദാഹരണം

7 Prayers for Your Nation

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 1 ദിവസം

Day 1: Praying for Leaders at Every Level

Are you concerned about the current condition of your nation? If so, I invite you to join me in interceding for our nation in prayer through this 7-day prayer plan.

Today, we are going to pray for our leaders at the federal, state, and local levels.

How do we intercede for our leaders? We pray God's will, as described in His Word, back to Him. It doesn't matter whether we like or agree with any particular leader; we are simply praying for our leaders out of obedience to God.

Pray along these points today:  

  • That all leaders would know and serve Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior;  
  • That God would give them His wisdom, and that each leader would operate in His wisdom;  
  • That each leader would flee from evil and embrace only righteousness;   
  • That godly leaders would stand boldly and courageously in the face of evil; and  
  • That God would prevent leaders from working wickedness in our nation, but would help them to bear godly fruit in their lives and governmental service.

Even if a particular leader is not exhibiting any of the traits above right now, we can change that reality through our prayers.

If you don't have words to pray, use this sample prayer today:

“Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus’ name.

Father God, Your Word says to enter into Your gates with thanksgiving, and into Your courts with praise. Therefore, Father, I thank You for hearing my prayer today. Thank You that You sit above the circle of the earth as the Judge and Redeemer of mankind and of nations. You are great, and You are worthy to be praised.

Father God, I lift my voice and cry to You right now for Your help and justice in my nation. 

I pray, Father, that if there are any unrighteous politicians in my nation who can still be saved—at any level of government—then I ask You to save them:  

  • Wake up their consciences.  
  • Let Your Holy Spirit convict them of sin, righteousness, and judgment.  
  • Show them Jesus so clearly that they cannot deny He exists.  
  • Grant them a deep repentance. Help them bend the knee to Jesus, making Him the Lord and Savior of their lives!

But Father God, if there are any politicians at any level who have given themselves over to a degenerate mind—those who have rejected You for the last time, who have no conscience left and for whom there is no hope of salvation—for these, Father, I ask You to expose them. 

Lord, remove every wicked politician who does not have Your will and my nation's best interests at heart.

Reveal their evil works to the world. Bring them to justice. Let them be removed and replaced with godly politicians in those seats of power, as Your Word says in Psalm 109:8: “Let his days be few, and let another take his office.” 

I am not praying for the death of any person, Father, but I do ask that every wicked politician’s DAYS IN OFFICE would be few, and that a righteous person would take their office.

Father, I ask You to give us righteous leaders.

Give us people who will serve You at every level of government, from every federal office to every local school board. Give us the people whom You want in office—those who will serve this nation and her people well. Let Your righteous leaders stand boldly for You, Father, and give them influence. Let them win every battle by the power of Your might, as You and Your Spirit fight for them.

Father God, I also pray that You would give our leaders wisdom. Teach them to walk in Your ways. Disciple them personally, Father. Bind and prevent them from doing anything that is not Your will, but help them to carry out everything that IS Your will on the earth.

Thank You, Father. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. We depend on You to give us righteous leaders and righteous government. Let all people rise up and vote Your will, but I pray that You would do the rest which we cannot. 

Thank You, Abba Father. Thank You for Your help. I love You, and I give You all the praise. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen."

Friend, never forget that our God hears and answers prayer. 

Your prayers do matter. And as we all pray together, our mighty God will hear and answer our unified chorus of intercession as we stand in the gap together for our nations.

We'll see you tomorrow for Day 2 of 7 Prayers for Your Nation!


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ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

7 Prayers for Your Nation

7 Prayers for Your Nation: How to intercede for your nation by praying the Scriptures back to the Lord. Pray for the government, kings, and all who are in authority—including every citizen! Every person is called to be an intercessor, and your prayers can shape the history and future of your nation. As you pray for revival in your nation, God will hear and answer.
