A Life That Glorifies Godഉദാഹരണം

A Life That Glorifies God

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The Lord God created the earth and all that is in it with function and purpose. For example, God created the light to light up darkness, vegetation, and fruit for human food, sun, moon, and stars with their purpose and function. Likewise, we are created according to God’s image, His "masterpiece" as it is written in Ephesians 2:10 - For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. So we are “God’s workmanship” created to declare His glory through good works.

Indeed many people in this world are doing good works, but their goal may not necessarily is for God's glory. For example, there are artists or entrepreneurs who give social assistance to the poor and the displaced. Many of them are just looking for their own popularity. Or they do merely out of pity because as a human we have feelings. Whatever their reasons are, if the goal is not to glorify and exalt the name of God, it is meaningless before God.


How do we glorify God?

1. Through our deeds and work. 

Perhaps we think that life that glorifies God is only when we serve God thru preaching, teaching, praying, evangelizing, and other similar things. Indeed, when we serve God in a way that pleases Him, then we are glorifying God. However, even simple things we do like eating and drinking can glorify God. Remember the story of Daniel who did not want to defile himself by eating the king's food?

If the matter of food and drink alone is so important to note, other things in our lives are also important, such as the way we talk, behave and think.

When we apply the word of God in our daily lives whether in the family, in society, or in the ministry, it is glorifying God. People can feel “the taste of God's glory” when we express the love of Christ (through good deeds) to them.

The Pharisees and Scribes were often reprimanded by the Lord Jesus because what they did (praying, fasting, giving) was solely to seek people’s attention for themselves. The Lord Jesus said that they would not receive the reward from the Father in heaven.

So the key is that whatever we do, it must be done for the glory of God. What if someone praises us? Even if someone praises us, keep humble and say that glory is only for God. Do not be proud in life because we could achieve it only by God's grace.

2. Have a longing to continue growing up spiritually 

2 Peter 3:18—but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 

Christianity talks about growth, producing, or bearing fruit. Just as our physical body grows from infancy to adulthood, so as our spiritual life needs to grow as well.

How does our spiritual maturity grow? God will allow us to go through the process. How do we react to a process? Are we grumbling, like the Israelites when they were in the wilderness? Or do we glorify God, just as Paul and Silas did when they were imprisoned? A person who wants to continue growing toward Christ will glorify God thru worship, intimacy with God, and seeking answers from God's Word when he is faced with a problem.

When he has passed the test he will tell of the wonderful works of God that help and bless his life.

3. Willing to be used by God as a harvester of souls

Let us learn from the story of Philip, how God used him to reach out to the officials of Ethiopia (Acts 8: 26-38). There are two names of Philip in the Bible, one was the disciple of Jesus, and the other was one of the seven men chosen to take care of the church. We will discuss the latter Philip, one of the seven chosen men. How was the life of Philip, that he was used to reap the soul for God?

- Philip was a man whose life glorified God (Acts 6: 3-5).

- Philip obeyed God’s commandment without hesitation or delay (Acts 8:26)

- Philip was led by the Holy Spirit (Acts 8: 29).

- Philip focused on what the Bible says about Jesus (Acts 8:35).

The story of Philip is remarkable and we can be like Philip, too. If our lives are led by God, then He can lead us to meet or encounter souls who are ready to be harvested for the glory of God.


1. Why do we need to glorify God, isn’t God glorious?  

2. Please share our daily lives that glorify God! 


Isaiah 43:7 – Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes I have made him. The word GLORY in Greek is DOQSA, which talks about the weight of God’s presence. So when God fills us with His glory, it means we declare the greatness of God, His power, His omnipotence, His holiness, and His sovereignty wherever we are, at all times, and wherever God sends us.


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