Gracious Jesus -1: Presenting the Kingഉദാഹരണം

Gracious Jesus -1: Presenting the King

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 4 ദിവസം

John - The Greatest Prophet 

Every king has his ambassadors, so does the King of Kings. John the Baptist is highlighted by Jesus, as the greatest man that had ever lived till that time. John’s birth was prophesied in the Old Testament as quoted by Mark. 

“I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way” 

“a voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him’.” (Mark 1:2-3) 

His birth is also miraculous –to aged godly parents– Elizabeth and Zachariah the priest. 

“Both of them were upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commandments and regulations blamelessly.” (Luke 1:6) 

He is born around six months before Jesus. He starts his public ministry proclaiming Christ prior to Christ’s ministry, is imprisoned, and killed prior to Christ’s death. 

He dresses and preaches as the dynamic Elijah did. Jesus declares he is indeed “Elijah who is to come.” (Matthew 11:14) Is he the typical ambassador? In fact, much the opposite. 

He is described as “a voice.” A voice that: 

• Prepares others 

• Paves the way for Christ 

• Prophesies the future 

In our world, ambassadors need to have personality and position. In God’s kingdom they cast those aside and are prepared to be “a voice.” A voice that represents the voice of God that many have ceased to hear. A voice that speaks out when others remain silent. A voice that is ready to speak the truth in the face of death. 

John the Baptist leads the new era when prophets who foretold Christ would be replaced by disciples who follow Christ. He shows us the meaning of being Christ’s ambassadors. He demonstrates what is required to be “God’s voice.” He relentlessly and passionately follows his calling, regardless of the consequences. 

Jesus describes John as one who was causing the “kingdom of God to suffer violence.” (Matthew 11:11,12) This implies that the crowds following Jesus eagerly, are ready to “crash” enter the gates of God’s kingdom. 

While Jesus declares that he was the greatest man who has ever lived up to that time, He concludes with a powerful contrast – “yet even the least in God’s kingdom is greater than he.” Those in the era post Christ, have the greater privilege of having Christ’s blood cover us and His spirit within us. We are far better equipped. 

God is looking for “voices” who will speak out for Him. Are we ready to be His voice wherever He has placed us? 

“The greatness of one’s faith is determined by what it’s strong enough to accomplish”.

ദിവസം 3ദിവസം 5

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Gracious Jesus -1: Presenting the King

This series – “Gracious Jesus” is a deep dive into the life and teachings of Jesus from the gospels. Historical context is brought in to enrich and bring a more accurate dimension of the context of Jesus’ life. Most importantly, if we are receptive to the Spirit, He opens our spiritual eyes to see God, the world around and ourselves with completely new perspectives.
