Be Transformed To Transformസാംപിൾ

“I thank my God always concerning you..,testimony of Christ was confirmed in you...” (Ver 4-6)
We see from these verses that Paul’s mission did not end with his personal transformation alone, but it went on to contribute to the spiritual nurture and sustenance of others. Paul was indebted to God for bestowing His grace on him. Through him, we come to know that the salvation message of God creates a transformation in us, inspiring our inner being, and strengthening our heart.
Also, Paul reaffirms that it is the message that is important and not the messenger and that God’s message contains the present and future revelations. The message we received is not a philosophy but is a person who forms the pivot of the Holy Scriptures from the beginning till the end.
Sow the seeds of faith and leave the rest to God - 1 Cor 2:14
“Now the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God...”(Ver 14)
We have to understand the fact that when we receive the gospel, the response and the consequence rests only on the Power of God - for the message of the Cross is foolish talk to evil doers, but to the saved it is a source of strength. Therefore, when we share the gospel message, it is best to leave the result to God.
He reveals His plans to His chosen ones. We can know the purpose of God through the Spirit of God working in us. The word of God and the spirit of God reveal the truth of God. Without the spirit of God, no one can evidently claim Jesus Christ is Lord. The gift of understanding comes from the spirit of God, which in turn reveals to us the mind of God.
Walk the talk - I Corinthians 3:3
Having received and preached the word of God, let us live as mature people of God, being nurtured by God’s word and living a holy life. Bearing in mind that we are the temple of God, let us stay away from quarrels, jealousy and any idols in our lives. As servants of God, let us lead people to Christ, through our testimonial life.
Let us only focus on our part of sowing the seeds of faith and watering it, but leave the rest to God. For it's always teamwork that prevails in the kingdom of God. Let God reveal and expose the outcome of every work. The tested work will be certainly rewarded. Therefore let us not be troubled when we are tried and tested but bear in mind that if we endure the testing, we will be blessed.
ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Experiencing God's call and understanding His purpose for us. Leading a life of testimony, telling others of His saving grace. To surpass the present times, with a hope for the future. To live a life worthy as a chosen vessel of God. To promote unity in the Church, keeping Christ alone as its head. Proclaiming and teaching the word of God.