Flashlight Nightഉദാഹരണം

Flashlight Night

5 ദിവസത്തിൽ 1 ദിവസം

God Loves to Hear My Thoughts

Come with me

and see this wall!

It’s full of chalk.

And super tall.

It’s where I’m brave

and share my prayers.

My biggest hopes,

my biggest cares.


Isn’t it amazing that the same God who created the stars and the oceans and every person on earth wants us to talk to Him? Isn’t it such good news that nothing is too big to God or too small for God. He is mighty, and never too busy! 

God wants you to tell Him what makes you happy. He also wants you to share what you are thinking and hoping, worried about, and dreaming. He wants to hear every prayer in your heart. It’s true that because He is the God of the universe, He knows all those things already. But He loves to hear your voice speaking to Him. The more you talk to God, the easier it gets to talk to Him again, and again. He loves time with you!


If you had a wall where you could write down your biggest cares, what would you write?


God, thank you for wanting me to tell you what I am thinking and feeling. I love talking to You! Amen.


Write on a piece of paper (or ask someone else to write for you) three things you want to tell God today.

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