The Old Testament: Backstory to Christmasഉദാഹരണം

The Old Testament:  Backstory to Christmas

6 ദിവസത്തിൽ 5 ദിവസം

Day 5: Lights, Camera, ACTION!!

The stage has been set, the cast of supporting characters has been assembled, and now it is time to choose who will play the lead parts in this miraculous event we know as the birth of Jesus. These are the people who will make or break this plan—getting these people right is of utmost importance!!

An Unlikely Cast of Characters

If it were up to you or me, we would likely have chosen the most powerful, influential family on earth to serve as Jesus’ earthly family. I mean, after all, we want to make sure His arrival gets a LOT of attention and provides Him easy access to the movers and shakers of His time-right?. However, we all know that God did NOT choose the powerful, the mighty, nor the influential. Instead, He chose the lowly, the humble, and the obedient to be front and center in Jesus’ life.

Let’s face it: a poor, unmarried, virgin girl for a mother, a Jewish carpenter from an obscure town for an earthly father, and a bunch of shepherds as the ones chosen to spread the news of Jesus’ arrival does NOT seem like a compelling cast. Yet, that’s exactly who God chose. Later, when Jesus is getting ready to launch His ministry on earth who does he choose to be his associates? A bunch of fishermen, a tax collector, and various other “commoners”. What’s going on?

It Shouldn’t Surprise Us

Frankly, these seemingly odd choices shouldn’t surprise us as God had chosen people who were the least likely, most unqualified, and downright absurd, to do His work throughout the entire Old Testament. He sought those who were willing to put their FAITH into ACTION! Some examples include a couple well past childbearing age to become the parents of God’s nation (Abraham and Sarah), a scheming deceiver to carry on the promise of God’s people (Jacob), a stuttering murderer turned into liberator and leader of an entire nation (Moses), a prostitute to be in the lineage of Jesus (Rahab), and a shepherd turned into King (David).

That is how God works. Many times God moves best when it appears that we are in over our head and NOT likely to succeed. Situations like that magnify His glory!! People look at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. God is not impressed by us nor by what we can do. Instead, He chooses to work through those who are available, obedient, and willing to step out in faith!

Connection to Our Story

So, how about you? What story is God wanting to write through you? Are you faced with a situation where you are feeling unqualified or unlikely to succeed yet, you feel like God is calling you to step into that very situation? Have you ever had the thought, “Someone should do something about ______”(fill in the blank with whatever injustice angers you)! Perhaps, God is calling you to be that someone! Today, I encourage you to ask God to show you those areas where He is calling you to trust Him to help you be the difference-maker. Remember, He is not looking for the most intelligent, most qualified, or the best connected. Instead, He is seeking those who will answer the call, be obedient, and trust the rest to Him. We must be aware, OUR part is obedience and HIS part is the outcome!  


ദിവസം 4ദിവസം 6

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

The Old Testament:  Backstory to Christmas

Most of us like hearing a good story and the really good stories usually have a backstory. Backstories provide context for the main story and help us understand how the various pieces of that story are connected. The backstories surrounding Jesus’ birth are no different. Understanding the backstories of Jesus’ birth makes the events surrounding His arrival even more wondrous and the best part is, this story is true!
