Key Beliefs: Supporting Basic Beliefsഉദാഹരണം

Key Beliefs: Supporting Basic Beliefs

65 ദിവസത്തിൽ 20 ദിവസം

Holy Spirit

This chapter contrasts relying on ourselves for life-change rather than the Holy Spirit. Working to improve ourselves through our efforts will always be short-lived. Relying on the Holy Spirit will change our character from the inside and will be permanent. It doesn’t mean our efforts are useless; if we truly want to change, we will put forth an effort, but we must seek the Holy Spirit’s help.

Are you relying only on yourself for life-change? That’s probably not going well. Try asking God to have His Spirit work in you; to show you where you need to change; and help you make those changes. 


ദിവസം 19ദിവസം 21