A Week Of Thanksgivingഉദാഹരണം

A Week Of Thanksgiving

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 4 ദിവസം

 Thankful Leaders

Thank the Lord for past leaders who proclaimed a day of thanksgiving to God for His blessings and provision. Men and women worth following are not afraid to publicly profess their dependency on almighty God. Political correctness is not a part of their persona because they are more concerned about pleasing Jesus than people.

Am I a leader who models thanksgiving to God for my associates? Are others drawn to my appreciation for them, or am I avoided for fear of my ungrateful attitude? Thankfulness is infectious and encouraging. Grateful leaders have the potential for greatness, while those stuck in an unappreciative mindset muddle through mediocrity.

At work and home it is more than words of affirmation and appreciation—though this is a good start. A community of thankful people creates a culture of gratitude. There is not a day that goes by that God is not thanked for food to eat, a place to work, or air to breathe. Children observe mom and dad, modeling what they see and hear. Is your home full of thanksgiving to Jesus and for each other? Is your family infected with grateful hearts?

Perhaps you write a note of thanksgiving to your spouse for his or her unwavering love for you and your children. Pen a poem of gratitude to your children for their unique gift to your family. Thank your parents for their patient love. Email or call a friend and express thanks for his or her loyal friendship. Mostly, get on your knees and thank your heavenly Father.

Thankful leaders learn the power of grateful prayers. They approach heaven with sincere supplications full of thanksgiving and praise to God for sending His Son Jesus to save them from their sins. Prayers of thanksgiving are light on personal petitions and heavy on gratitude to God for the faith of family and friends. Be a thankful leader, and watch Christ grow an army of thankful followers. Grateful leaders show appreciation above and below. 

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ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

A Week Of Thanksgiving

The world will throw so many obstacles to gratitude in our path that we often trip over them and feel defeated, but God has given us His Word to encourage, instruct, and guide us around such obstacles! Our prayer is that this plan will bless and encourage you as you strive to be thankful every day.
