Chris Tomlin - Love Ran Red Devotionsഉദാഹരണം

Chris Tomlin - Love Ran Red Devotions

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 1 ദിവസം

Devotional- Chris Tomlin

How quickly we forget the power that’s in us and turn to our own devices. We hit a difficult time and immediately try to calculate our way out of it with all of our worldly knowledge, all of our worldly strength and connections to other worldly people.

Greater is the one who lives in me
Greater is the love of Jesus

Where does this get us? Where do our attempts at strength and problem solving get us? Maybe we form temporary solutions with them. They last for a few months. We grit our teeth through the addiction, through the heartache, through the untimely death of our dearest loved one. We are making it, for now. The enemy wants us to continue this striving that we do so well. He wants us to forget where our help comes from and he especially wants us to forget the helper that is in us. 1 John 4:4 says, “for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” He who is in us is Christ.

Above all other thrones
Above all other names
You are greater

Paul explains to the Philippians Jesus’ status on this earth by saying, “God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name” (Phil. 2:9). The name that is above every other name. Jesus is above your pastor, your counselor, your most trusted friend, your spouse and your parent. Jesus is higher than the names we like to exalt above all else. Even if he is a good man, he is just that, a man. But Jesus, Jesus was God made flesh.

We are quick to seek guidance from others and slow to seek it from Jesus, who abides in us through the Holy Spirit. Why? If we know the same power that conquered the grave lives in us, why don’t we tap into it? Why don’t we ask it for guidance? Because as much as we may believe in this or profess it, we also want immediate answers. A clear “yes” or a clear “no” from someone who speaks back to us audibly right then and there.

Depending on others’ strength is as reliable as depending on our own. At some point, we will fail ourselves and at some point, others will fail us. This isn’t to say we can’t trust anyone; it’s to point out where our ultimate trust is found. People, and our own strength, will only take us so far.

From Him, through Him
And to Him are all things
To God be the glory

God sent Jesus to seek and save the lost, and then stay with us. The grave wasn’t the end. The resurrection wasn’t even the end. Romans 11:36 says, in regards to our Father, that “from him and through him and to him are all things.” When we view life this way, as all of it existing because of God and none of it existing because of us, we are able to surrender what we are holding onto so tightly.

Written by Andrea Lucado


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