Life Principles To Live Byസാംപിൾ

Together in the Christian Life
Life Principle 28: No Christian has ever been called to “go it alone” in his or her walk of faith.
In Hebrews 10:25, the author makes it clear that believers should not stop meeting together. God wants us to regularly meet with other believers—He wants His people in church! There are those, however, who don’t take this admonition seriously. I’ve often heard this refrain: “I can worship God at home. I don’t need to go to church.” Many believe the sole reason we meet together is to worship—and understandably so. After all, we call it a worship service.
If worship were the only reason we’re commanded to meet, then those who claim they can worship at home would have a strong argument. But worship isn't the sole reason. Nor is it so we can be taught God’s truth. We can turn on our radios, televisions, and visit websites to hear sound biblical teaching. On the surface, it seems that anything we can do at church we can do just as well at home.
So why are we commanded to meet? Why go to church?
The writer of Hebrews says it’s to safeguard against drifting. We’re the body of Christ, and when we’re with other believers, we’re doing what comes naturally and what we’ll do for eternity—being together in His presence. We make up the church, and together we provide strength for one another through prayer, fellowship, and encouragement.
Enemy forces are always at work around us, seeking to blow us off course. Sheer individual commitment is not enough to keep us in line. We need the presence and accountability of other believers—and they need us. When we surrender our lives to Christ, He uses us in countless ways we may never know.
The accountability and encouragement found in church anchor us against the tides that work to sweep us away. To neglect the regular assembly of fellow Christians is to miss out on this essential element in the development of our faith.
Regular church attendance should never be viewed as something you do to gain God’s merit. Instead, it should provide the catalyst for spiritual growth. Ask God to lead you to a church that teaches the Word of God without compromising His truth and demonstrates His love, grace, and forgiveness to all. When He does, you will find He's led you to a church you can truly call home.
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During his more than 60 years of ministry, Dr. Charles Stanley has faithfully highlighted the 30 Life Principles that have guided him and helped him grow in his knowledge, service, and love of God. Here, he helps you explore each of these principles in more depth, teaching you how to put them into practice each day, and leading you to enjoy the abundant life Christ desires to give to you.