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Revelation: A 28-Day Reading PlanПримерок

Revelation: A 28-Day Reading Plan

24 ДЕН ОД 28

Don’t worship the messenger

Before the final strike of the auctioneer’s gavel, selling the old worn violin for a paltry $3, the gray-bearded man stepped forward. He cleared the dust, tuned the strings, and began to play “as sweet as the angel sings.” Mesmerized by the melody, the crowd cheered, and the old violin sold for thousands.

In the poem “The Old Violin” by Myra Brooks Welch, some in the crowd cried after hearing the master play, and she notes the change in the value was because of the “touch of the master’s hand.” It was never about the violin; it was always about the master.

In Revelation 19, John hears a roar from heaven shouting and praising God — “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God … For our Lord God Almighty reigns…” John is awestruck by the supernatural events occurring as the emotion builds like an ocean wave. Then, in the midst of the thunderous shouts and roars, the angel speaks and John falls at his feet to worship him. But the angel corrects him: “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you … Worship God!”

Whether it’s a master musician playing the violin or an experienced preacher delivering a Sunday sermon, it’s easy to become captivated by the talent of the messenger. Just as the angel reminded John not to be consumed by the supernatural events in Revelation, when we focus on the message God has for us rather than the messenger, we receive the full blessing He wants for us. Our master, Jesus, is the only one worthy of our worship.


Think about people who can captivate your attention and admiration. Are you able to maintain a proper focus on the message being delivered?

What talents do you possess? Do you remind others that it’s God who deserves the praise for your skills and abilities?

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