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Revelation: A 28-Day Reading PlanПримерок

Revelation: A 28-Day Reading Plan

23 ДЕН ОД 28

Get rich quick or be rich forever

Commercials promise more happiness when we buy their product: If you’re sad, surely, it because you don’t have one of these yet. 

No matter how much we already have, the message is clear — more is better.

Revelation 18 provides a picture of what happens when people set their focus on prosperity as an end in itself. Babylon pursued riches and worldly conveniences, and in a moment they were gone. When Babylon lost its wealth, merchants cried because they lost their income and their identity (Revelation 18:11-15). This chapter in Revelation stands as a warning to focus on the things that last. 

The Bible says to set our eyes on things that are of God, not things of this earth (Colossians 3:2, Luke 12:15). Money will be worthless in eternity. But our relationship with God and our relationships with others will make a difference in this world and in the one to come. 

When our eyes are set on the things of earth, we pursue what culture values: wealth, power, perfection. We’ll put profit over people, and cut corners believing that the ends justify the means. But one economic downturn, one bad financial decision can leave us empty and wondering, What was it all for? 

Money itself is not bad, but it’s a terrible god. We are not what we have, and we are not what we do. That’s why Hebrews 13:5 says, "Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, ’I will never leave you nor forsake you.’" 

When our eyes are set on God, whether we have a little or a lot, we won’t be shaken when the world as it is comes to an end. We won’t be crushed because we know that our God is with us. He is our treasure, not the things that we own or the positions that we hold (2 Corinthians 4:7-9). 


What treasures does your heart value?

What does God treasure?

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