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UNCOMMEN: The Wilderness YearsПримерок

UNCOMMEN: The Wilderness Years

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Our Current Wilderness

We struggle out in the wilderness because we think we won't have what we need to survive. How much are we trusting God to provide our needs? Do we doubt He is with us? Does it seem like you are out there all alone? Well, I can tell you one thing; you have never been alone. Our God is always there, always working on your behalf. You may not understand any of it, and you may not be meant to follow. That's what faith is, trusting in the unseen things.

For once, all people are in similar circumstances. We all face uncertainty with Covid-19. We are in a place where we must stop, a place where all the things that kept us busy and distracted have come to a screeching halt. God has removed the majority of our distractions—cleared most of our calendar until further notice. Allowed the church to show it is so much more than the four walls we meet inside. "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." (Hebrews 10:24) 

This wilderness has allowed us to see how important we are to one another, in more ways than we ever imagined. This circumstance is not the first time the wilderness has brought people together. If you look through our history, some of the most challenging seasons in humanity's history have united us together during and especially after these seasons. 

The technology that kept us distracted is now being used to keep us united. I believe we are using the tools for the good of one another. We meet throughout the week with other members of the body of Christ. Small churches, large churches all putting in their resources together so that we all grow. I have seen and heard of some churches that have struggled to keep up tech-wise are now being assisted by others so they too can have services for their members each week. It truly is amazing how our current wilderness is preparing us for the future. I would even like to call it our promised land.

So are you staying connected? Is there something stopping you from being connected? There should be no Christians right now that cannot, in some way, connect.

I believe God is giving us this time to seek Him in a way that many of us have not experienced. I know that God uses all things together for the good of those who love Him. This season, even though it seems all we know is falling apart at the seams, God can take any situation and redeem it for His glory. I believe we will experience His glory in ways we cannot even imagine yet. Spend this time with Jesus. Fear Him, experience his presence, and His goodness.

Uncommen Questions:

How much are you trusting God to provide your needs?
Does it seem like you are out there all alone?
Are you staying connected? Or is there something stopping you from being connected with other Christians right now?  

Uncommen Challenge: 

If you do not have a way to connect, reach out to one of the many organizations there is to help guide you to resources to connect. Uncommen is a great place to become connected!


Lord, we thank you for your sacrifice on the cross. By your blood, we have been saved. We ask that you continue to bring us closer to You and one another during this challenging season. As we sit at home, reveal Yourself to us in ways we have not experienced before. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Scripture References:
Hebrews 10:19-25
Psalms 91:1-16

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UNCOMMEN: The Wilderness Years

Many of us can relate to being in the wilderness. Some have lived short seasons, while others have spent a large portion of their lives in the wilderness. Being in the wilderness does not mean you are lost. Sometimes we are not ready for the promises God has planned for us. We must come in close relationship with Him so that we may learn His will for our lives.
