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UNCOMMEN: The Wilderness YearsПримерок

UNCOMMEN: The Wilderness Years

1 ДЕН ОД 5

The Way in the Wilderness

Many of us can relate to being in the wilderness. Some have lived short seasons there, and many more have spent a large portion of their lives in the wilderness. Being in the wilderness does not mean you are lost. Sometimes we are not ready for the promises God has planned for us. We must come in close relationship with Him so that we may learn His will for our lives. Our time spent in the wilderness of any season in life can be based on how obedient we are. If we are stubborn to the correction of our heavenly Father, the seasons in the wilderness could take a while. "For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives." (Hebrews 12:6) 

He has a path set before us. He knows when we will listen and when we will not. All we do should be for His glory. So, when we are not listening to what He is saying, we, at times, will have to take the "long way" around, which does not send us directly into the action. Taking the shortest route is not always the best. The time we spend on our journey is surely what His will is for us. During this time, we learn to trust where He is guiding us, and our faith will grow. There may be dangers we are not ready to face yet. Draw close to Him. God will reveal more of Himself to you and guide your path.

Even before Moses led the Jews out of Egypt into the wilderness, Moses himself spent 40 years in the wilderness when he fled Egypt into Midian after murdering an Egyptian overseer for abusing a Hebrew slave. Moses spent all those years with a family and taking care of sheep as a Shepard does. Those years were Moses' wilderness, where he learned what he needed so that one day he would fulfill his calling and purpose. Moses then returned to Egypt to set free God's people. Moses led an entire nation out through the Red Sea from the clutches of Pharaoh into the wilderness. By doing this, he was obedient to the will of God.

Remember that God's promises are always kept, even when we are not doing what we should. We all live parts of our lives in the wilderness, and His will in our lives can be our very own "promised land" (purpose).

Uncommen Questions:

What season are you in at this time? Have you already experienced the wilderness and now living in the promised land God has for your life? Or are you living in disobedience? Living in sin? Are you wandering around in the wilderness with no end in sight?

Uncommen Challenge:  

Ask God where you are in your journey. Take a good look at yourself and ask, am I truly being obedient to God's will in my life?

Daily Prayer: 

Psalm 139:23-24, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting."

Scripture References:
Exodus 13:17-22
Matthew 4:1-2

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UNCOMMEN: The Wilderness Years

Many of us can relate to being in the wilderness. Some have lived short seasons, while others have spent a large portion of their lives in the wilderness. Being in the wilderness does not mean you are lost. Sometimes we are not ready for the promises God has planned for us. We must come in close relationship with Him so that we may learn His will for our lives.
