Mark 2
1⁊eft æfter dagen he eode into capharnaum ⁊hyt wæs gehyred. þt he wæs on huse 2⁊manege togadere comen ⁊he to hem spræc. 3⁊hyo comen ænne lame man to him berende. þane feower men bæren. 4⁊þa hyo ne mihten hine inbringen for þare manige hyo openedon þane rof þær se hælend wæs ⁊hyo þa inasende þt bed þe se lame on laig. 5Soðlice þa se hælend geseah heore geleafen he cwæð. to þam lamen. Sune þe synde þine senne forgefene. 6þær wæren sume of þam bokeren sittende ⁊on heore heortan þencende 7hwi specð þes þus. he desigeð. hwa maig senne forgefen buton god ane. 8Ða se hælend þæt on his gaste oncneow. þt hyo swa betweoxe heom þohten. he cwæð to heom hwi þence ge þas þing on eowre heorten. 9hwæðer is eðre to seggene to þam lamen. ðe synde þine synne forgefene. hwæðer to cwæðen aris nem þin bed ⁊ga. 10þæt ge soðlice witen þt mannes sune hæfð anweald on eorþan synnen to forgefene. He cwæð to þam lamen. 11Þe ic segge aris. nym þin bed ⁊ga; to þinen huse. 12⁊he sone aras ⁊beforen heom eallen eode. swa þt ealle wundreden ⁊þus cwæðen næfre we ær þellic þing ne gesægen.
Vidit ihesus leuin alphej sedentem ad theloneum
13And eft he uteode to þare sæ ⁊eall syo manege hym to com ⁊he hyo lærde. 14⁊þa he forðeode he geseah leuin alphei. sittende æt his cepsetle ⁊he cwæð to hym folge me. þa aras he ⁊felgede hym. 15⁊hit gewarð þa he sæt on his huse þt manege manfulle sæten mid þam hælende ⁊his leorningcnihten. Soðlice manege þa þe him felgden waren 16bokeres ⁊pharisei ⁊cwæðen witodlice he ett mid manfullen ⁊synfullen ⁊hy cwæðen to his leorningcnihten. hwi æt eower lareow ⁊drincd mid mannfullen ⁊senfullen. 17Þa se hælend þis gehyrde he sæde heom. Ne beþurfen na þa halen læces. ac þa þe untrume synden. Ne com ic na þæt ich cleopede rihtwise ac synfulle.
Accesserunt ad ihesum discipuli iohannis dicentes. Quare nos ⁊pharisei ieiunamus frequenter
18⁊þa wæren iohannes leorningcnihtes ⁊farisej fæstende ⁊þa comen hyo ⁊segden him. Hwi fæsted Iohannes leorningcnihtes ⁊phariseorum ⁊þine ne fæsteð. 19Ða cwæð se hælend cweðe ge. sculen þas bredgumen cnihtes fæsten swa lange swa se bredgume mid heom is; ne magen hyo fæsten swa lange tide swa hyo þane bredgumen mid heom hæbbeð. 20Soðlice þa dages cumeð þane se bredgume heom beoð fram acyrred ⁊þanne hyo fæsteð. On þan dagen 21nanman ne seweð nywe scep to ealden reafe. elles he afyrð þane neowan scep of þam ealden reafe ⁊byð mare slite 22⁊nanman ne doð nywe win on ealde betta. elles þt win tobrecð þa bytte ⁊þæt win beoð agoten ⁊þa bytta forwurðeð. Ac neowe win scell beon gedon on neowe bytta þanne beoð ba twa gehealden.
Ibat ihesus sabbato per sata. discipuli eius esurientes ceperunt euellere spicas
23Eft wæs geworðen þa he restedagen þurh æceres eode. his leorningcnihtes ongunnen þa ear pluccin. 24þa cwæðen þa pharisej to him. Loce nu hwæt þine leorningcnihtes doð. þt heom alefeð næs on restedagen. 25Ða saide he heom. ne rædde ge næfre hwæt dyde dauid. þa hym hingrede ⁊þa þe mid hym wæren. 26hu he inne godes huse eode under abiathar þare sacerde ealdre ⁊he ætt of þa offrungehlafes. þe hym ne alyfde neren to ætenne. buten sacerden ane ⁊he sealde þam þe mid hym wæren. 27⁊he saigde heom. restedaig wæs geworht for þam men. nes se man for þam restedaige. 28Witodlice drihten is mannes sune eac swilce restedages.
Voafantina amin'izao fotoana izao:
Mark 2: ASxG
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Tianao hovoatahiry amin'ireo fitaovana ampiasainao rehetra ve ireo nasongadina? Hisoratra na Hiditra
The Four Gospels in AngloSaxon (Old English) were translated from Latin by Abbot Ælfric of Eynsham, probably some time within the period 990 – 1010.