Mark 3
1End eft he eode on gesamnunge ⁊þær wæs an man forscruncen handde hæbbende 2⁊hyo gemden hwader he on restedagen gehælde þt hyo hine gewreiden. 3Þa cwæð he to þam men þe forscruncene hand hæfde. aris gemang heom. 4Ða cwæð he alyfð restedagen wel to donne hwæðer ðe yfele sawle gehælen hwaðer to forspillen ⁊hyo swigedon. 5⁊hyo besceawiende mid eorre ofer hire heorte blindnisse. he unrot cwæð to þam men. aþene þine hand ⁊he aþenede hyo. þa warð his hand gehæled sone. 6Ða farisei mid herodianiscen utgangende þeohtendon ongean hine. hu hyo hine fordon mihton. 7⁊þa ferde se hælend to þare sæ. mid his leorningcnihten ⁊mycel menigeo him felgede fram galilea ⁊iudea. 8⁊ierusalem ⁊fram idumea ⁊begeonden iordane ⁊to him com mycel menige ymbe tyrum ⁊sydonem geherende þa þing þe he worhte. 9⁊he cwæð to his cnihten þt hyo hym on scype þenedon for þare manigeo þæt hyo hine ne ofþrungen. 10Soðlice manege he hælde. swa þt hyo ætrinen his ⁊swa fele swa untrumnysse 11⁊unclæne gastes hæfden. Ða hyo hyne geseagen hyo toforan hym astrehten. þus cweðende clepeden. þu ert godes sune. 12⁊he hym swiðe forbead. þt hyo hine ne geswuteledon. 13⁊on ænne munt he ferde ⁊to hym geclypede þa þe he wolde ⁊hyo to hym comen 14⁊he dyde þt hyo twelf mid him wæren ⁊he hyo asende godspell to bodienne. 15⁊he heom anweald sealde untrumnysse to hælenne ⁊deofelseocnysse ut to adrifenne. 16⁊he nemde symon petrum 17⁊jacobum zebedej ⁊iohannem his broder ⁊him naman onsette boaneries þt is þunres bearn. 18⁊andream ⁊philippum ⁊bartholomeum ⁊thomam ⁊iacobum alphej ⁊taddeum ⁊symonem chananeum. 19⁊iuda scarioth. se hine sealde. 20⁊eft him to com swa mycel manigeo þt hyo næfden hlaf to ætenne. 21⁊þa hyo hine gehyrden hyo ferden þæt hyo hine namen ⁊þus cwæðen. Soðlice he is on hatheortnysse gewend. 22⁊þa bokeres þe wenden fram ierusalem cwæðen. Soðlice he hafð belzebub ⁊on deofle ealdre he deofelseocnisse utadrifð. 23⁊he hyo togadere gecleopede ⁊on bispellen heom to cwæð. hu maig sathanas sathana un adrifen (sic) 24⁊gif his rice on him sylfen byoð todæled hu maig hit standen. 25⁊gyf þt hus ofer hit sylfen bið todæled hu maig hit standen. 26Ænd gif sathanas winð angen hine sylfne he beoð todæled ⁊he standen ne maig ac hafð ende. 27Ne maig man þane strangen his ehte ⁊his fate bereafian ⁊on his hus gan butan man þanne strangen ærest gebinde þanne his hus reafige. 28Soðlice ic eow segge ealle synne sende manne bearne forgefene ⁊bismerunge þam þe hye bysmeriged. 29Soðlice ic eow segge se þe þanne halgan gast bysmerieð se næfð on ecnysse forgyfenysse. ac beoð eches geltes sceldyg. 30for þam þe hyo cwæðen. he hafð unclæne gast. 31Þa comen to him his moder ⁊his gebroðre ⁊þærute stoden ⁊to him senten ⁊to hym clepeden. 32⁊mycel maniga ymbe hine sæt ⁊to him cwæðen. Her is þin moðer ⁊þine broðre ute ⁊seceð þe. 33He þa heom andswerede ⁊cwæð. hwilc is min moder ⁊mine gebroðre. 34⁊he quoth. Ða behealdende þe him abuten sæten. her is min moder ⁊mine gebroðre. 35Soðlice se þe deð godes willen se is min moder ⁊min broðer ⁊mine swustren.
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Mark 3: ASxG
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Tianao hovoatahiry amin'ireo fitaovana ampiasainao rehetra ve ireo nasongadina? Hisoratra na Hiditra
The Four Gospels in AngloSaxon (Old English) were translated from Latin by Abbot Ælfric of Eynsham, probably some time within the period 990 – 1010.