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Mark 1

Ecce mitto angelum meum ante faciem tuam. qui preparabit uiam tuam ante te
1Her ys godspelles angin hælendes cristes godes sune. 2swa awritan ys on þas witegen bæch ysaiam. Nu ich asænde minne ængel beforan þinre ansiene. Se gegærewed þinne weig beforen þe. 3clepiende stefne on þam westene. gegærewied drihtnes weig. doð rihte his syðas. 4Iohannes wæs on wæstene fulgende ⁊bodiende. deadbote fulluht on senne forgyfenysse. 5⁊to hym ferde eal iudeeisce rice ⁊ealle ierosolimaware ⁊wæren fram him gefullode on Iordanes flode. heore synna andettenne. 6And Iohannes wæs gescryd mid olfendes hære ⁊fellen gyrdel wæs embe his lendene ⁊garstapen ⁊wude hunig he æt. 7⁊he bodede ⁊cwæð. strengre kymð æfter me. Þas ne æm ich wurðe þt ic his scone þwange bugende uncnette. 8Ich fullige eow on wætere. he eow fulleð on halgen gaste.
Uenit ihesus a nazareth galilee ⁊baptizatus est a iohanne in iordane
9On þam dagen com se hælend fram nazareth galilee ⁊wæs gefullod on Iordane fram Iohanne. 10⁊sone of þam wætere. he geseah opene heofenes ⁊haligne gast swa culfran astigende ⁊on hym wunede. 11⁊þa wæs stefen of heofene þus cweðende þu ert min gelufede sune. on ðe ic gelicode. 12And sone gast hine on westen genedde. 13⁊he on westene wæs feortig dagen ⁊feortig nihte ⁊he wæs fram sathanas gecostned ⁊he mid wilde deoren wæs ⁊hym ængles þeneden.
Preteriens ihesus secus mare galilee uidit symonem ⁊andream fratrem eius mittentes retia in mare
14Sydðe iohannes geseald wæs com se hælend on galileam godes rices. godspell bodiende 15⁊þus cweðende. Witodlice tyd is gefylled ⁊heofene rice geneohlæcð. doð deadbote ⁊gelefeð þam godspelle. 16⁊þa he ferde wið þa galileiscæ sæ. He geseah symonem ⁊andream his broðer heore nytt on þare sæ lætende. soðlice hyo wæren fissceras. 17⁊þa cwæð se hælend cumeð æfter me ⁊ic do gunc þæt gyt beoð sawla onfonde. 18⁊hyo þa rædlice hym felgdon ⁊forleten heore nytt. 19⁊þanen hwon agan. he geseah iacobum zebedei ⁊iohannes his broðer ⁊hyo on heore scype hyre nyt logeden. 20⁊he hyo sona clepede ⁊hyo heora fader zebedeo on scype forleten mid hyrlingen.
Ingrediente ihesus capharnaum statim sabbatis ingressus synagogam docebat eos
21⁊ferden to capharnaum ⁊sone restedagen he lærde hyo on gesamnunge ingangende. 22⁊hyo wundreden be his lare. Soðlice he wæs hyo lærende swa se þe anweald hæfð. næs swa bokeres. 23⁊on heore samnunge wæs sum mann unclænen gaste ⁊he rymde 24⁊cwæð. eala nazarenisca hælend hwæt is us ⁊þe. come þu us forspillan. Ich wat þu ert godes halge. 25Þa kydde se hælend hym ⁊cwæð. adumbe ⁊ga of þisen menn. 26⁊se unclæne gast hine slytende ⁊mycelere stefne cleopiende him ofeode. 27Ða wundreden hyo ealle. swa þt hyo betwexeo heom cwæðen. hwæt is þis. hwæt is þeos niewe lar. þt he on anwealde unclænen gasten bebeott ⁊hyo hersumieð hym. 28⁊sona ferde his hlysa to galileariche.
Egrediente ihesu de synagoga uenit in domum symonis ⁊andréé
29And rædlice of hyora samnunge he comen on symonis ⁊andreas hus mid iacobe ⁊iohanne. 30Soðlice þa sæt symones swerger hresigende ⁊hyo hym be hyre sægden. 31⁊geneahlacende he hyo up ahof hire handa gegripenre ⁊hrædlice se feofer hi forlet ⁊hyo þenode him. 32Soðlice þa hit wæs æfen geworðen þa sunne to settle eode. hy brohten to hym ealle þa unhælen ⁊þa þe wode wæren 33⁊eall syo burhware wæs gegadered to þare dure 34⁊he manega gehælde; þe mistlicen adle gedrehte wæren ⁊manege deofolseocnysse he ut adraf ⁊hyo sprecen ne leten for þan þe hyo wisten þæt he crist wæs. 35And swiðe ær sunne arisende he ferde on weste stowe ⁊hine þær gebæd. 36⁊hym fylgede symon ⁊þa þe mid hym wæren. 37⁊þa þe hine gemetten hyo saigden hym. eall þis folc þe secd. 38Þa cwæð he fare we on gehende tunas ⁊ceastres þt ic þær bodige. Witodlice to þam ic com. 39⁊he wæs bodiende on heore samnenge ⁊ealre galileas ⁊deofelseocnyssa utadrifende.
Uenit ad iesum leprosus deprecans eum ⁊genu flexo dixit. Domine si uis potes me mundare
40End to hym com sum reofela hine biddende ⁊beigden cneowen hym to cwæð. Drihten gyf þu wilt þu miht geclænsien me. 41Soðlice se hælend hine gemiltsede ⁊his hand aþenode ⁊hine æthrinede ⁊þus cwæð. Ic wille. byo þu geclænsed. 42⁊þa he þus cwæð; sona syo reoflyss him fram gewat ⁊he wæs geclænsed. 43⁊sone he bæd hym 44⁊cwæð. warne þæt þu hit nanen menn ne segge ⁊ga ⁊atewe þe þare sacerda ealdre ⁊bring for þinre clænsunge þt moyses bebead on gewitnysse. 45⁊he þa utgangende ongan bodien ⁊wiðmærsian þa spræce. swa þt he ne mihte openlice on þa ceastre gan. ac bye ute on westen stowen ⁊hyo aighwanen to hym comen.

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Mark 1: ASxG



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