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The Overcomers by Matt ChandlerPavyzdys

The Overcomers by Matt Chandler

5 diena iš 5

Living in Babylon

When we think of Babylon, we tend to think of the Old Testament times and the warnings of prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah. We think of a city full of sin that God was displeased with and eventually destroyed. But in many ways, the world we now live in is like that ancient city.

In Scripture, Babylon is more than just an evil ancient city. It represents evil itself. The book of Revelation calls Babylon the “mother of prostitutes” (17:5) for its sexual perversion. Babylon represents the city of man—one that is built in rebellion to God. Rather than exalting the Lord, the city exalts itself. We are warned to be careful of her seduction—she is alluring but deadly.

Still, we may wonder, if Babylon is simply some ancient city or part of a confusing passage in Revelation, then why should this warning apply to us? Because we live in a world that seduces. It offers attractive options that promise to bring happiness, but in the end, they cause pain and death. There is perversion and rebellion as people attempt to exalt themselves in their jobs and among others. We are offered comfort and freedom, only to realize that those things are pulling us away from God, the giver of true freedom.

In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus preached His famous Sermon on the Mount, which included the Beatitudes (chapter 5). We are likely familiar with these promises, just as we are familiar with Babylon’s contrary declarations. Jesus told us “Blessed are the poor in spirit” (v. 3); the world tells us “Blessed are the rich and powerful.” The same goes with His other promises. Where Jesus offers us the real deal, Babylon tempts us with a cheap imitation. As we spend more time with Jesus in God’s Word, we will be able to hear His voice over the shouts of Babylon.

God, thank You for Your Word. Help me to hear Your voice over loud calls of the world around me.

Was this plan helpful? We adapted this plan from The Overcomers: God's Vision for You to Thrive in an Age of Anxiety and Outrage by Matt Chandler. Check it out for more.

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