Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled LivingPavyzdys

Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled Living

15 diena iš 30

But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you.

John 16:7 (NLT)

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8

Imagine the emotions the disciples felt when Jesus said the words of John 16:7 to them. “It is best for you that I go away.” They probably thought, “How on earth can it be best for you to go away? You are Jesus!” But Jesus said these words!

While Jesus was on earth, men and women experienced his love, power, direction, and care whenever he was around them. However, whenever he left their sides, they did not experience Jesus until he returned. Everything changed when God gave the gift of the Holy Spirit. The disciples of Jesus no longer had to be physically near him to experience his presence. The Holy Spirit would live inside each of them!

As a disciple of Jesus, you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you. You can experience and enjoy him every day! He is with you right now!

Living a life directed by the Holy Spirit is essential to spiritual growth as a disciple of Jesus. The ministry CRU explains that a Holy Spirit-directed person is “a follower of Jesus empowered to live the life God intended for them by submitting to the presence, power, and purpose of the Holy Spirit in their life. ”How will you respond to the guidance the Holy Spirit gives?

Imagine for a moment you are driving a car. As you drive, you have the radio on nice and loud. Your favorite song is on! But then you take a few wrong turns and suddenly realize you are completely lost. The area around you is unfamiliar. All the streets look foreign to you. However, your passenger knows this area. In fact, your passenger knows the area inside and out. You may be lost, but they aren’t! What would you do?

First, you would turn the radio down so you can hear the guidance of the expert. Then, you might decide to pull over and let your passenger take the driver’s seat. Only a prideful person would ignore the knowledgeable passenger. Why not simply let them drive? The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He knows what is ahead in your life. He knows what is best for you. He knows the best route for how to get you there.

A life directed by the Holy Spirit is one in which the Holy Spirit is given the driver’s seat of life. One practical step to give the Holy Spirit control of your life is to intentionally start your day by giving him time to speak to you. Begin each day by taking time to be quiet and still. Turn down the noisy radio of life. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you, give you wisdom, and bring words of peace and courage to you in your day. Read from the Bible and ask him to speak to you. Sit and listen. Wait for him.

Some days, his voice will be loud and clear. On other days, it might be a very light whisper. Turn down the radio of life and invite the Holy Spirit to give you his presence, power, and purpose. Before you read the scripture passages today, pause and invite the Holy Spirit to join you in your time. Ask the Holy Spirit to say anything he wants to say to you today. Sit and listen. Before you finish, thank the Holy Spirit for his role in your life. Invite him to take the driver’s seat every day.

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Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled Living

Spiritual growth does not happen by accident! Jesus made it clear that the pathway to spiritual growth comes through abiding with him. This study will help you abide with Jesus each day and grow as his disciple in four aspects of the faith: Understanding the significance of baptism. Learning to live a Holy Spirit-directed life. Experiencing the power of prayer. Hearing God's voice through his Word.
