Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled LivingPavyzdys

Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled Living

18 diena iš 30

They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

Acts 2:3-4

As we discussed yesterday, the Holy Spirit’s presence in our life can be understood with the example of a fire. By ignoring his voice and walking in sin, we can reduce the fire of his presence to a few smoldering embers. This begs the question: when the flame starts to go out, how can you reignite the flame of the Holy Spirit in your life? As with any fire quenched by water, you first need to remove the soaked material.

In our spiritual lives, we remove the soaked material and bring fresh fuel to the fire of the Holy Spirit through confession and repentance. Confession takes place when you have a real conversation with God about sinful behaviors, thoughts, or attitudes that have taken place in your life and ask him for forgiveness. Repentance is the process of turning away from your sinful path and returning to God’s path.

Why are confession and repentance so important? Through confession and repentance, we acknowledge our shortcomings, ask God to forgive us for sin, and invite the Holy Spirit to take the driver’s seat of life once again. Confession and repentance are fuel for the fire of the Holy Spirit!

As you read the verses today, think about the Holy Spirit living inside of you. The imagery of fire used in Acts 2:3-4 is very similar to the imagery used when the Spirit of God filled the Tabernacle (Numbers 9:15-16) and the Temple (2 Chronicles 7:1-3). The Holy Spirit now lives in you as he once resided in the Temple and in the Tabernacle. You have God's Holy Spirit living inside of you!

How brightly is the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in you today? Is there anything quenching the flames of the Holy Spirit in your life? Is the Holy Spirit bringing anything to mind that you may need to confess and repent? If so, bring it before God and allow Him to wash away those sins and restore your relationship with Him. Let Him add fresh wood to the fire of your life so that the Holy Spirit can burn brighter than ever in you! Invite the Holy Spirit to be a stronger influence in your life every day. Write down what you experienced during this time and anything God said to you today.

Diena 17Diena 19

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Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled Living

Spiritual growth does not happen by accident! Jesus made it clear that the pathway to spiritual growth comes through abiding with him. This study will help you abide with Jesus each day and grow as his disciple in four aspects of the faith: Understanding the significance of baptism. Learning to live a Holy Spirit-directed life. Experiencing the power of prayer. Hearing God's voice through his Word.
