Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled LivingPavyzdys

Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled Living

17 diena iš 30

Do not quench the Spirit.

1 Thessalonians 5:19

When was the last time you sat by a campfire? If you were lucky, it involved great friends, hot chocolate, and marshmallow smores! You can probably still imagine the fire's warmth and flickering light. Now, think about what that fire looks like when it is put out at the end of the night. As water is poured on the fire, the steam sizzles, and the smoke rises in the air. As the campfire is quenched with water, it is reduced to soaking-wet pieces of wood. As you know, a quenched fire is tough to restart.

The Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives can be quenched similarly. The fire of his presence can be reduced to soaking wet logs. Only tiny embers remain deep below the surface. Water quenches a fire, but what quenches the Holy Spirit’s direction in your life? Ignoring his voice and direction in your life is like water to the Holy Spirit’s fire. When we ignore his voice we often get off track and begin to walk back into the old life. But you have been made new- why would you walk back into the old life? You have been set free- why would you walk back into slavery?

One practical step you can take to keep the Holy Spirit's presence burning bright in your life is to pay attention to his promptings throughout your day. Keep one ear tuned to the whispers of the Holy Spirit. When you are facing decisions, invite the Holy Spirit into your circumstance. Pay attention to when the Holy Spirit guides you into something good or away from something evil or sinful. When you hear his voice listen carefully, obey, and invite him to speak louder and burn brighter in your life!

As you read the passage from 1 Thessalonians today, look for things Paul talks about as good decisions and those he points out as bad decisions. What are some examples of each? Is there anything in your life quenching the fire of the Holy Spirit? Is there something lacking in your life that can fan the flames of the Holy Spirit? Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and direction today as you read and reflect.

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Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled Living

Spiritual growth does not happen by accident! Jesus made it clear that the pathway to spiritual growth comes through abiding with him. This study will help you abide with Jesus each day and grow as his disciple in four aspects of the faith: Understanding the significance of baptism. Learning to live a Holy Spirit-directed life. Experiencing the power of prayer. Hearing God's voice through his Word.
