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Unlock Your Courage Within보기

Unlock Your Courage Within

7 중 6 일째

Compliment Others

Are you quick to commend others for a job well done? Consider how the apostle Paul bragged on his coworkers in Romans chapter 16.

Paul had the monumental task of ministering to many churches. Often when he was unable to visit believers in person, he engaged helpers to carry his messages and minister to church members.

Rather than highlighting the great work he was doing for the Lord, Paul regularly concluded his letters by complimenting the many men and women who had helped him. He described these women and men as leaders and coworkers who labored alongside him and who were also often persecuted as a result.

Paul routinely recognized and complimented those who served with him and wanted others to assist them, imitate them, and delight in them as well.

Reflect: How often do you compliment others? Let 1 Thessalonians 5:11 inspire you to find courageous ways you can encourage and build up those with whom you come in contact today.

Pray: Father, you encourage me to encourage others. Remind me to give credit where credit is due, to cheer others on, and to compliment those who put forth great effort.

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묵상 소개

Unlock Your Courage Within

Embark on a 7-day journey exploring the challenges, choices, and perseverance of inspiring men and women from the Bible who overcame fear and stood firm in their faith. Each day includes a short devotion, a prompt for re...


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