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Unlock Your Courage Within보기

Unlock Your Courage Within

7 중 1 일째

Acknowledge God

Are you in awe of God’s greatness? Do his magnificent works inspire you to be courageous? In Genesis chapter 1, we read the account of God’s creation. Each verse is detailed, specific, and validated by modern science. This chapter establishes God’s sovereignty and reveals his power and creativity.

God’s intentionality can be seen throughout the complexity of earth’s design. The lights he created and perfectly placed permit life on earth to exist. If the sun were farther away, we would freeze; if it were closer, we would burn.

The precise placement, gravitational pull, and orbit of the moon are accredited with primary control over our oceans’ tides, which, in turn, significantly impact our weather. The sun, moon and stars also identify the seasons—exactly as God’s Word proclaims!

Reflect: Consider Romans 1:19–20 and describe how your surroundings reveal God’s power, creativity, and intentionality. Then explain how God’s greatness inspires you to courageously acknowledge and honor him today.

Pray: Father, I am surrounded by the evidence of your power, creativity, and intentionality. Remind me to stop and take notice of your creation and help me to honor you by sharing your greatness with others today.


묵상 소개

Unlock Your Courage Within

Embark on a 7-day journey exploring the challenges, choices, and perseverance of inspiring men and women from the Bible who overcame fear and stood firm in their faith. Each day includes a short devotion, a prompt for re...


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