Family World Tour예제

Day 6: Daniel in Ethiopia
We can learn to share the gospel.
Have you ever tried to talk about Jesus with someone and didn’t know how? If you have, share about that time. What made it hard for you to talk about?
There is a story in the Bible about a follower of Jesus named Philip and an Ethiopian man. One day as Philip was travelling, an angel told him to go and share the good news about Jesus with this man. Philip obeyed, trusting that God would teach him what to say when he got there. He was able to teach the man about Jesus. And their time together ended with the Philip baptizing him in a nearby river. What an amazing story, right?
It's one of the Bible stories that inspires our friend, Daniel from Ethiopia, to boldly share this good news, too. Did you know that Ethiopia is the oldest country in Africa? There are over 80 languages spoken there! That’s awesome to think about, right? Imagine hearing people talk in different languages each time you step out of your home. So amazing!
Daniel was raised in a community where most of the young children were forced to do wrong things because they couldn’t afford food or clothing. But thanks to God, Daniel escaped this hard situation when he joined a Compassion centre. There, he began to learn about Jesus, and that hope comes from the Word of God. The more Daniel learned as he grew, the more he wanted to share this good news with every child he could find.
Today, Daniel teaches other children at the same Compassion centre he went to as a kid!
Daniel meets with the children every Saturday morning and teaches the Bible in a new and fun way! He knows that as he keeps teaching kids how he was taught, they’ll know more about who they are in Jesus. Daniel has learned that the Spirit of God always teaches us what to say and how to say it, just as He did with Philip, a follower of Jesus all that time ago!
When we share the good news of Jesus with others, we are helping them find their way to God, the One who loves them and will change their lives forever.
Read the Bible verses for today together.
Ask and Discuss:
What have you learned from Daniel’s story?
Reflect and write down what Jesus has done for you, then ask the Holy Spirit how you can share this with someone who needs it.
Jesus, I thank You for Your love that changes us. You continue to give me joy and peace no matter what I face. And I want to share this good news with my friends who don’t know You yet. I have read how You taught others to share this good news. Be with me as I do the same with my friends, classmates, and neighbours. Amen.
묵상 소개

Have you ever wanted to travel the world and meet the girls and boys who live there? The Bible tells us that Christians are all part of one big family, no matter where they live. Come along with us on a Family World Tour as we find out what kids just like you are learning about following Jesus! All stories and photos are from Compassion partner churches.