Family World Tour예제

Abelito in Guatemala
We can learn from other kids how to follow Jesus!
What is something you’ve learned from someone in your family?
If you’re doing this series of devotions with your family, take a few minutes to play a short game. Everyone should pick a family member to imitate— the others can guess which family member you are! You can act it out or say something that they might say! Take turns until everyone has had a chance to play.
Families were one of God’s best ideas, weren’t they? While every family looks different, they are all special. Maybe you got your artistic ability from your mom or dad. Maybe you share a love for sports with an aunt or uncle. Do your cousins or siblings have jokes that no one else understands?
How about friends at church? Did you know the Bible says that they are your family too? Romans 12:10 tells us that we love one another like brothers and sisters! Jesus taught in Matthew 12 that people who do what God asks are His brother and sister. That means that if you are a Christian, your family is way bigger than you ever imagined! You have siblings all over the earth. Would you like to meet some of them?
Let’s start out in a little country called Guatemala, where a boy named Abeilito lives. Do you know where Guatemala is? It is the largest country in Central America. Imagine looking around and seeing ancient pyramids, beautiful jungles, and even sea turtles! Guatemala is also where chocolate came from. Doesn’t Abeilito live in an amazing place?
One day, something sad happened in his family. He found out his mom was very sick and had cancer. People came to visit Abeilito and paid for his mom to get the medicine she needed. They taught Abeilito to pray. Praying with his church friends helped Abeilito see that God might use medicine or a miracle to make his mom all better. And you know what? His mom got all better!
Abeilito wanted to tell everyone at his church about what God had done for his family! Wouldn’t you? On Sunday, he was invited to pray at church and tell others that God had answered his prayer. And through all that, Abeilito realized something—he wanted to be a pastor! Even though he was just a kid, he had an important message he could share with others about God’s love and power. He didn’t have to wait until he was grown up to use his voice and take up his place in the family of God. Now, even at 11 years old, Abeilito regularly speaks at other churches in his area.
Every day during this series, you will meet a new kid living somewhere in the world! You’ll learn about their country and hear what they are learning about following God. Just like Abeilito is teaching people where he lives, the kids you’ll meet in this series are teaching people around them— and they can teach us, too! We hope God will show you how to be a part of this global family of people who love God and that your sisters and brothers around the globe will inspire you.
Read the Bible verses for today together.
Ask and Discuss:
What do you think it means to belong to God’s family?
What would you want to tell people about God if you got the chance?
What would you ask Abeilito if you met him?
Dear God, thank You that we have brothers and sisters all around the world. Thank You that we can learn from them how to follow You! Thank You that kids worldwide are learning about Your love for them and that we are all part of Your big family. Amen.
묵상 소개

Have you ever wanted to travel the world and meet the girls and boys who live there? The Bible tells us that Christians are all part of one big family, no matter where they live. Come along with us on a Family World Tour as we find out what kids just like you are learning about following Jesus! All stories and photos are from Compassion partner churches.