Family World Tour예제

Family World Tour

14 중 12 일째

Gabriela in Bolivia

We can learn that nothing is impossible for God.


Have you ever prayed about something you thought would be too hard for God? Share it with your family. What made it seem too hard?

Sometimes when we pray about a hard thing, we wonder if God will be able to do it. Or we wonder if He is willing to do it. This can stop us from praying about that thing at all. But do you know what? Even when we find it hard to believe, God makes miracles happen. Because for Him, nothing is impossible. Imagine that for a second: There’s no good thing that He keeps from us, His children because He loves us more than we could ever imagine.

This is what our friend Gabriela has learned, too.

Gabriela is from Bolivia, a country in South America. It’s also home to the llama, a very important animal to the Bolivian people. They belong to the camel family and are also used for transportation. Their wool makes warm and soft clothing like sweaters, gloves, winter caps, and coats. That sounds amazing, right?

While some other children have memories of enjoying belly laughs while chasing llamas across the roads of Bolivia, Gabriela remembers a very different childhood. Growing up in a home with little or no food and parents who were having a hard marriage, Gabriela had to learn how to provide for herself and her family at a young age.

But everything changed when she joined a Compassion centre. Gabriela gave her life to Jesus and started attending church and Sunday School every week from the age of 12. What she loved most about her time at the centre was learning about God’s love through the patience and love she received from her tutor. Gabriela wanted to share this joy with her family, too!

“I was the first one to start attending church from my family. Since that age, I prayed and fasted for my father and my family every day,” says Gabriela.

Soon enough, Gabriela’s brave prayers were answered. Her entire family now attends church, including her father, who she thought would never give His life to Jesus.

Today, Gabriela is working at the same Compassion centre she went to when she was little, teaching little children how to love and trust God, too, just as she does each day.

Read the Bible verses for today together.


What have you learned from Gabriela’s bold prayers?

Have you everprayed that a friend or family member would come to know Jesus?

If you haven’t, take some time to pray together for someone you know who needs Jesus.


Father, help me to remember that You always hear me. Help me to always remember that You desire to answer us when we call and help me to pray no matter how I feel. Strengthen my faith, so that I can trust You more even when things are hard. Amen.

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묵상 소개

Family World Tour

Have you ever wanted to travel the world and meet the girls and boys who live there? The Bible tells us that Christians are all part of one big family, no matter where they live. Come along with us on a Family World Tour as we find out what kids just like you are learning about following Jesus! All stories and photos are from Compassion partner churches.
