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Victory Over The Devil보기

Victory Over The Devil

11 중 7 일째

The Devil’s Seeds of Doubt 

As we saw last time, Satan will seek to attack when we are on the verge of a major breakthrough. I believe there are three distinct areas of attack in this battle. Today I want to cover the first with you. It is found in Matthew 4:3-4, 

Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” 

The devil’s first area of attack will be to try to get you to doubt your calling.  

Notice that just prior to this encounter the voice of God the Father said to Jesus, “This is My beloved Son!” And that is the first thing the devil challenges, “Well, if youare the Son of God….”  

He will do the same thing to you. 

What is it that God has spoken to you about that He wants you to do with your life? Has He told you that He wants to use you to funnel vast resources into the gospel? Or maybe God said you are to be a teacher, or that you are going to impact the entertainment industry, or that you are going to be a prayer warrior and tip the spiritual scales in critical times. 

Whatever it is, the devil will saddle up next to you and say, “Who do you think you are? What God has told you is just a pipe dream. It’s just your own head speaking to you.” He will try and get you to doubt what God has said to you and to doubt what God has called you to do. 

When that happens, you need to go back to that word that God has spoken to you in order to keep your focus and direction right.

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묵상 소개

Victory Over The Devil

Times of trouble are common to us all. It’s because we’re in a battle, and our foe is not made of flesh and blood. We’re up against Satan and his forces of evil; yet when we understand the devil’s methods and schemes, an...


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