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Victory Over The Devil보기

Victory Over The Devil

11 중 11 일째

The Impact of Sacrifice 

Last time, we saw how Jesus calls us to sacrifice, and how the devil will do all he can to keep us from that. Read again Jesus’ words, 

“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matthew 16:24-25). 

The devil will fight to keep you from sacrifice because he knows several things: 

The devil understands that sacrifice brings the presence of God. Throughout the Old and New Testaments you will find that whenever men and women sacrificed, God’s presence came. The devil doesn’t want more of the presence of God in your life. He would love for you to live a mediocre, half-hearted life. But to follow Jesus means self-denial. When Jesus leads you to sacrifice, it will always bring a greater measure of His life and His presence into your life. And the devil understands that. 

The devil understands that sacrifice opens a great channel of blessing that otherwise we will not experience. Paul wrote to the Philippians, “I’ve received your gift. It is a sacrifice, a sweet-smelling aroma to God, and my God will supply all of your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” That promise of needs being met according to a heavenly standard was directly linked to sacrificial giving. 

The devil understands that those who have changed the world were always men and women who sacrificed. You will not find anyone who has changed the world for good that has not been a person of great sacrifice. The devil knows that is true! 

Don’t let Satan keep you from the sacrifice God is calling you to make.

More from Bayless Conley 


묵상 소개

Victory Over The Devil

Times of trouble are common to us all. It’s because we’re in a battle, and our foe is not made of flesh and blood. We’re up against Satan and his forces of evil; yet when we understand the devil’s methods and schemes, an...


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