The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey 예제

The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey

40 중 8 일째

Be Free


You and I were made to worship. If we don’t worship God, we will worship a false god: an idol.

We often think of worship as the songs we sing in church, hands in the air, or on bended knees. But this is only one expression of the endless ways we can worship. Worship is adoring or ascribing total value to something.

We worship whenever we give ourselves totally to the thing to which we are devoted. When it comes to exalting God, our worship takes place in the biggest and the smallest acts, from prayer and quiet time to opening the door for a stranger.

How we live our lives is our worship.

We worship with who we are (our being – thoughts and feelings) and how we act (our doing – words, actions, and deeds). Yes, every aspect of life is worship.

The question is not if we will worship but who or what we will worship.

So what are you worshiping? What do you feel deserves your dedication and sacrifice of time, energy, and resources? If the answer to that question is anything other than God, you can be sure you are worshiping and giving your life to an idol, a false god.


Why do you think people exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images of mortal humans and animals? Keep in mind that people created idols to feel close to God, connect with Him, or fill a need.

Have you used food or other substances in this manner? Be specific. Detail a time when you can clearly remember using a substance such as food for fulfillment.

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The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey

Adapted from an eight-week faith and fitness Bible study by Alisa Keeton, The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey offers daily devotions on eight topics essential to true and lasting weight loss. A journey to wellness isn’t just focused on what you eat or how many pounds you weigh, but the “weight” that keeps you from living an abundant life in Christ.
