The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey 보기

The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey

40 중 35 일째

Be Transformed


God has better plans for us than just giving us comfort. He wants us to have shalom, a Hebrew word that means “completeness, soundness, welfare, peace.”

Our transformation is possible only because of Jesus, which explains why the Greek word for transform occurs only in the New Testament. He alone can give us the ability to experience and reflect on the fullness of God in our earthly lives.

We are given the right to be transformed to resemble Jesus – God incarnate, God in the flesh. We have the right to look in the mirror and see someone who is perfect in Christ and being made perfect in a messy world, holy and whole.

Transformation takes God’s salvation plan for the world to its final destination. God wants to see faith increase on the earth, and He plans to use people to make it happen. Willing people. People who are no longer satisfied with splashing around in the shallow end of the salvation pool are content in knowing that God has saved them from sin.

Rather than spending time wishing for smaller thighs and flatter stomachs, these people care about the people drowning in the kiddie pool. They tell others that God wants to redeem and restore them too.

This transformation journey is an adventure! Keep your adventurous spirit alive!

Travel with God from one season of life into another. Some seasons will be intense, filled with resistance. Engage your core (both the center of your physical self and the values you hold), keep your eyes on Christ, and lean into the struggle. The storm will not last forever, and you will find yourself in a more spacious land on the other side of that tempest.

Keep moving to keep growing. Keep growing into that royal robe of righteousness that God draped over you when you first professed Jesus as your King. You live a life of nobility, and favor follows you wherever you go.

It’s time to believe it!

Now we come to the final week of our journey together. This is the time to reflect on all you have learned and press on in the faith, hope, and love of Jesus. What you started in the Spirit, continue in the Spirit!


How do you see food and exercise fitting into God’s plan for your personal transformation? What is He teaching you about them?

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The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey

Adapted from an eight-week faith and fitness Bible study by Alisa Keeton, The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey offers daily devotions on eight topics essential to true and lasting weight loss. A journey to wellness isn’t just focused on what you eat or how many pounds you weigh, but the “weight” that keeps you from living an abundant life in Christ.
