The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey 예제

The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey

40 중 30 일째

Attend to Matters of the Heart


By the grace of God’s Word and His love, may you get this: God wants to heal your heart so that you may have deeper faith for wholehearted living and a fuller life. He wants you to be holy (producing the fruit of the Spirit) and whole (healthy in heart, mind, and body) so that you will be fully alive, a living testimony to God’s goodness and faithfulness. This is God’s wellness plan for all humankind.

We must live well because we can’t help our neighbors if we can’t help ourselves. God’s love does not, cannot, and will not stop with us. Before Jesus comes back, we need to point others to God’s hope.

Will we make a difference in a hurting world by turning away from those familiar and comfortable habits that ensnare us? If we give God our hearts and bodies, we will be able to help others break free from their own traps.

Ask God to deliver you from the chains and whispered deceptions that keep you from bearing fruit. Jesus did not die, so those deceptions would bury you alive and leave you feeling overwhelmed, paralyzed, and numb.

When God’s love displaces the lies in your heart, something amazing happens – you receive an overflow that is meant to be poured out on others. Next time you walk into a room, walk confidently in who you are because of whose you are. Decide to enter every situation as a royal son or daughter with all heaven's resources. Freely sow the seeds of love, and name what is excellent in people or situations, even if they look hopeless.

Love refuses human-imposed rules; it resists charts, graphs, and measuring tools. Love does not demand this for that. Love moves and flows freely from God to us to others and back again.

God is love. His love is the ultimate divine weight-loss plan – lifting the self-hatred, pride, and fear that burden us. With the burdens off our shoulders, we can take hold of a life transformed by the blood of Jesus. This journey is almost over, but God’s work in you is just getting started!


How is God’s wellness plan different from your own? How does God’s wellness plan free you to live healthy and whole?

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The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey

Adapted from an eight-week faith and fitness Bible study by Alisa Keeton, The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey offers daily devotions on eight topics essential to true and lasting weight loss. A journey to wellness isn’t just focused on what you eat or how many pounds you weigh, but the “weight” that keeps you from living an abundant life in Christ.
