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Turning Off The Noise보기

Turning Off The Noise

7 중 5 일째

Turning Off the Noise: Peace! Be Still!

When I was 10 years old, I went on a fishing boat in the North Sea with my grandfather who was a fisherman all his life. He said that when a storm at sea is over, it takes a long time for the sea to be calm. When we find ourselves in storms, it often takes a long time to regain our perspective and tranquility.

In the storm of a lifetime the disciples ask: “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Jesus rebukes the wind and says to the sea: “Peace! Be still!”

If God’s Son can calm the wind and the sea, He can deal with your problems by either eliminating the storm or by giving you His personal peace. Rest your anchor in Christ and know His special peace.

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묵상 소개

Turning Off The Noise

We live in a chaotic, hectic world, and sometimes it seems there is no escape from all the noise. This week, make time to listen to God, read His Word, and pray. Be intentional as you seek to listen to His voice and be r...


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