묵상 정보

Draw Near보기

Draw Near

5 중 4 일째

There’s no better way to draw near than to go to the altar of God—his holy mountain, his dwelling place. The psalmist pleads for light and truth—no longer for vindication, but for truth. It’s the Lord’s truth and light that naturally draw us nearer to him.

Reflect on how you may have conflated your own truth with God’s truth, assuming that what you desired most was in line with the heart of God, and then pray that the Lord’s light and truth be what guide and sustain you, drawing you nearer and nearer to him. In your own way, worship the Lord as he works on restoring your heart.

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묵상 소개

Draw Near

Through a 5-day journey to draw nearer to God’s heart, the CSB invites you to reflect on the thoughts and emotions that keep you from drawing near to God’s heart, looking at the psalmist’s struggle with the same barriers...


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