묵상 정보

Draw Near보기

Draw Near

5 중 3 일째

It can be tempting to believe God has forsaken us when our prayers go unanswered. But those who draw near to him know that God never rejects us; they find peace and strength as they journey through their sorrow.

Reflect on the ways you’ve ignored God’s answers to your prayers because they didn’t align with what you wanted for yourself, and then pray that the Lord aligns your heart with his as you walk through the trials before you. And in the midst, remember to pray for the one who has caused the sorrow.

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묵상 소개

Draw Near

Through a 5-day journey to draw nearer to God’s heart, the CSB invites you to reflect on the thoughts and emotions that keep you from drawing near to God’s heart, looking at the psalmist’s struggle with the same barriers...


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