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The Magnificence Of Christ In The Psalms보기

The Magnificence Of Christ In The Psalms

30 중 9 일째

The Living God

Dear Father, I am very humbled by the deep love King David expresses for You in today’s Scripture passage, and by David’s all-consuming passion to be with and communicate with You. With all my heart, I want to have that same thirsting within my soul for Your beloved Son, the Living God. I worship and honor Him, Who has been God with You, and all Life with You, for all eternity past, AND, Who created all life at the beginning of time, and is sustaining all life—now and for all eternity future!

Further-more, I worship and honor the Living God for coming to earth to give His physical life, so that He could be raised back to eternal life, and provide the way for all who receive Him to have eternal life in Him. Hallelujah! Jesus is the God of Life! And, as David said, all of our hope is in Him. O Father, I pray that David’s insatiable cry, “When can I go and meet with [the Living] God?” will burn in the hearts of the Body of Christ today. I pray these things in His living name.
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묵상 소개

The Magnificence Of Christ In The Psalms

Each daily devotional has a different name or attribute of God from the Psalms that is ultimately fulfilled in Christ. You will read the Psalm with Christ's name in it, then worship Him and pray for His Lordship of your...


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