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The Magnificence Of Christ In The Psalms보기

The Magnificence Of Christ In The Psalms

30 중 11 일째

The Most Excellent Of Men

Dear Father, My heart too is thoroughly “stirred” as I read this portion of the Psalm 45 “wedding song” to King Jesus from His bride. I love to join in this unreserved admiration of the Most Excellent of Men (which another translation calls “fairer than the children of men”). I experience abounding hope and joy in thinking about the unrivaled and perfect beauty, fairness and excellence of EVERY aspect of Jesus!

I delight that the Person of Jesus is so lovely that the most splendid words of man are exhausted before He is adequately described. All praise to Him that He is most lovely (and most excellent) in union with His beloved bride, the Church. I also rejoice that You blessed Jesus forever by anointing His lips (and all of Him) with the fullness of Your grace. Oh, thank You, precious Father, that I and all people who receive the Most Excellent of Men as our Savior are blessed beyond our wildest imaginations through His grace-filled teachings, promises, invitations, prayers, exhortations, commands, deeds, prophecies and all of His life in us. I pray that You will “stir our hearts” with whole-hearted affection for, and devotion to, the Most Excellent of Men. In His beautiful name I ask these things.
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묵상 소개

The Magnificence Of Christ In The Psalms

Each daily devotional has a different name or attribute of God from the Psalms that is ultimately fulfilled in Christ. You will read the Psalm with Christ's name in it, then worship Him and pray for His Lordship of your...


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