Scripture-Based Healing Declarationsಮಾದರಿ

Scripture-Based Healing Declarations

DAY 3 OF 5

Hello again on Day 3! I'm thrilled to continue this journey with you, drawing strength from His truth together! When our Father speaks, it's already done. His words are fulfilled, and His declarations over your life are established forever. Speak these truths aloud as an act of faith. As His cherished children, we agree with His life-giving Word and break our agreement with the enemy who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Let’s declare clearly and boldly, hearing the truth as we say it.

In the name of Jesus, I declare:

21 |

If I have faith and I don't doubt,

I can tell the mountain to be lifted up and thrown into the sea,

and it will happen.

I can pray for anything,

and if I have faith,

I will receive it.

<Matthew 21:21-22>

22 |

Anything is possible if I believe.

<Mark 9:23>

23 |

Humanly speaking,

it's impossible.

But not with God.

Everything is possible with God.

<Mark 10:27>

24 |

I can pray for anything,

and if I believe that I've received it,

it will be mine.

<Mark 11:22-24>

25 |

Miraculous signs will accompany me.

I will cast out demons in Your name,

and I will speak in new languages.

I will be able to handle snakes with safety.

And if I drink anything poisonous,

it won't hurt me.

I will be able to place my hands on the sick,

and they will be healed.

<Mark 16:14-18>

26 |

Healing power went out from You,

and You healed everyone.

<Luke 6:19>

27 |

You sent me out to tell everyone about the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

<Luke 9:2>

28 |

It's right that I'm released from the bondage of Satan.

<Luke 13:16>

29 |

The sick and those possessed by evil spirits were all healed.

<Acts 5:16>

30 |

You anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power.

Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil,

for You were with Him.

<Acts 10:38>


Closing declaration:

You are the LORD who heals me.

I believe it. I will. I take it. I have it. I thank You for it.

My healing belongs to me because of what Jesus has done.

I receive my healing now as a gift of His love.



Insider's tip #3:

When interceding for someone else, you can simply substitute the pronouns accordingly: change "I" to the person's name, "my" to "his" or "her", and "me" to "him" or "her", adjusting tenses as needed.


Remember who He is.


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About this Plan

Scripture-Based Healing Declarations

Embark on a dynamic 5-day journey with "Scripture-Based Healing Declarations." As children of God, each day we will speak 10 powerful affirmations from scripture, written in the first person. Whether you're battling acute, chronic, physical, or emotional illnesses, boldly declare these truths to invite divine healing and reclaim your health and vitality. Our Father, The LORD Who Heals You, is with us every step of the way.
