Scripture-Based Healing Declarationsಮಾದರಿ

Scripture-Based Healing Declarations

DAY 1 OF 5


Our Father is Adonai Roph’ekha (יְהוָה רֹפְאֶ֥ךָ), The LORD Who Heals You. Healing is part of His unchanging nature and character. His name alone reveals His will and desire to heal. Whether you're battling chronic or acute, physical or emotional illnesses, He can and will heal. Throughout these five days, I'm here to cheer you on as we declare His Word over our lives. We do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from our Father’s mouth.

Day 1

Our Father’s Word is alive, active, and powerful—it can transform you. Even if you don't fully believe yet, let your desire for these truths to be real drive you, and allow His truth to take root in your heart. Start declaring aloud, so you can hear the words clearly, for faith comes by hearing His truth. Let’s declare together.

In the name of Jesus, I declare:

01 |

You will not make me suffer any of the diseases You sent on the Egyptians,

for You are the LORD who heals me.

<Exodus 15:26>

02 |

I must serve only the Lord my God,

You will bless me with food and water,

and You will protect me from illness.

<Exodus 23:25>

03 |

You will protect me from all sickness.

You will not let me suffer from the terrible diseases I knew in Egypt,

but You will inflict them on all my enemies.

<Deuteronomy 7:15>

04 |

If I love and obey the Lord, I will live long.

<Deuteronomy 30:20>

05 |

Not one word has failed of all the wonderful promises You gave through Your servant Moses.

<1 Kings 8:56>

06 |

If I make the Lord my refuge,

if I make the Most High my shelter,

no evil will conquer me,

no plague will come near my home.

You'll rescue me, protect me, answer me, honor me.

You'll be with me in trouble;

You'll reward me with a long life.

<Psalm 91:9-10, 14-16>

07 |

You forgive all my sins,

You heal all my diseases.

You redeem me from death,

You crown me with love and tender mercies.

You fill my life with good things.

My youth is renewed like the eagle.

<Psalm 103:3-5>

08 |

You sent out Your word and healed me,

snatching me from the door of death.

I praise You for Your great love,

and for the wonderful things You have done for me.

<Psalm 107:20-21>

09 |

I will not die;

instead, I will live to tell what You have done.

<Psalm 118:17>

10 |

I don't lose sight of Your words,

I let them penetrate deep into my heart.

Your words bring life to me and healing to my whole body.

<Proverbs 4:21-22>


Closing declaration:

You are the LORD who heals me.

I believe it. I will. I take it. I have it. I thank You for it.

My healing belongs to me because of what Jesus has done.

I receive my healing now as a gift of His love.



Insider's Tip #1:

Did any of these declarations resonate deeply with you or stir your spirit? Journal your reflections to track progress and fortify your faith journey.


Remember who He is.

ದಿನ 2

About this Plan

Scripture-Based Healing Declarations

Embark on a dynamic 5-day journey with "Scripture-Based Healing Declarations." As children of God, each day we will speak 10 powerful affirmations from scripture, written in the first person. Whether you're battling acute, chronic, physical, or emotional illnesses, boldly declare these truths to invite divine healing and reclaim your health and vitality. Our Father, The LORD Who Heals You, is with us every step of the way.
