Scripture-Based Healing Declarationsಮಾದರಿ

Scripture-Based Healing Declarations

DAY 2 OF 5

Good to see you back on Day 2, ready to speak life and victory together! Healing is part of God's promises and His covenant with us. Our Father's promises are rooted in His deep love and His desire for your healing and restoration.

Don’t just listen or read them quietly in your heart. Speak these declarations aloud with conviction. Engage your vocal cords, your facial muscles, and your faith. Let His promises flow through you, reinforcing the truth that healing is your inheritance as His beloved child. Let’s declare His Word together, boldly and with unwavering faith.

In the name of Jesus, I declare:

11 |

I'm not afraid, for You are with me.

I am not discouraged, for You are my God.

You will strengthen me and help me.

You will hold me up with Your victorious right hand.

<Isaiah 41:10>

12 |

When I go through deep waters, You will be with me.

When I go through rivers of difficulty, I will not drown.

When I walk through the fire of oppression, I will not be burned up;

the flames will not consume me.

<Isaiah 43:2>

13 |

You were beaten so I could be whole.

You were whipped so I could be healed.

<Isaiah 53:5>

14 |

You will certainly carry out all Your plans.

<Jeremiah 1:12>

15 |

If you heal me, I will be truly healed;

if you save me, I will be truly saved.

My praises are for you alone!

<Jeremiah 17:14>

16 |

You will give me back my health and heal my wounds.

<Jeremiah 30:17>

17 |

Lord, if You are willing,

You can heal me and make me clean.

You will reach out and touch me.

Instantly I will be healed.

<Matthew 8:2-3>

18 |

You cast out the evil spirits with a simple command,

and You healed all the sick.

You took my sicknesses and removed my diseases.

<Matthew 8:16-17>

19 |

You healed all those who were laid before You.

Those who hadn't been able to speak were talking,

the crippled were made well,

the lame were walking,

and the blind could see again!

<Matthew 15:30-31>

20 |

Whatever I forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven,

whatever I permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.

If two of us agree here on earth concerning anything we ask,

You will do it for us.

<Matthew 18:18-19>


Closing declaration:

You are the LORD who heals me.

I believe it. I will. I take it. I have it. I thank You for it.

My healing belongs to me because of what Jesus has done.

I receive my healing now as a gift of His love.



Insider's tip #2:

Consider reading these declarations with someone facing similar challenges or with a patient support group, if appropriate. Taking turns to read aloud can provide mutual support and uplift each other's spirits.


Remember who He is.

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About this Plan

Scripture-Based Healing Declarations

Embark on a dynamic 5-day journey with "Scripture-Based Healing Declarations." As children of God, each day we will speak 10 powerful affirmations from scripture, written in the first person. Whether you're battling acute, chronic, physical, or emotional illnesses, boldly declare these truths to invite divine healing and reclaim your health and vitality. Our Father, The LORD Who Heals You, is with us every step of the way.
