Experiencing Jesus Together Through Lentಮಾದರಿ

Experiencing Jesus Together Through Lent

DAY 3 OF 40

Day 3:


“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2 (NIV)

A Call to: Draw Near

Location, Location, Location. It’s more than a well-known catchy phrase; it’s the number one rule in real estate. You hear it from every real-estate agent, see it on all of the HGTV shows and read it in the apartment and home finder magazines. Where a property is located directly impacts its value. It is actually possible for two identical properties to be priced drastically different simply because of their neighborhood. That’s also how a cozy one-room efficiency in New York City can cost the same as an elaborate three-bedroom home with a yard in the midwest. The closer the property is to the action, the higher the price. The farther away it is, the lower. 

This real-estate truth is also a gospel truth. When it comes to experiencing God during Lent, finding just the right spot matters even more. According to Psalm 91:1-2 the best location to be is dwelling in God’s shelter because that is the place that allows you to rest and abide in His protection. It’s the safest, most secure and valuable location to be. You can totally trust God to keep His promise to cover and shield you. This is such a prime location that no matter what is going on in the world around you or what your circumstances are, you will be in a place of serenity and peace that cannot be penetrated.  

It’s important to remember that Satan is checking out your location, also. He’s hoping you want to be farther away from God so that you are not protected and vulnerable. He knows that the closer you are to God in His safety and shelter, the harder it is for him to get to you, steal your joy, disturb your peace and make you forget that God’s power is greater than your current situation.  

Accept the invitation to draw near and take refuge in God so that you can be in the right place at the right time, all the time because location, location, location matters.


Abiding in God’s protection is not like unpacking boxes and moving into a home permanently. Unfortunately, it’s very easy to constantly change locations because location is a choice. The protection offered in this secret location is conditioned upon a decision you have to make every day to dwell and take refuge in the presence of God. Have you been wandering away from God’s protection? What can you do to make sure you take up residence in the most valuable location and stay there daily?

Praise + Prayer: Thank You Lord for being a God that I can really trust to keep me safe. Thank You for covering me so well that even in times of trouble when it looks like my world is falling apart, my spirit and my heart are safe with You. Thank You that I can have peace because You are with me. You are mighty to save and You have the power to withstand all of Satan’s attacks, so I have no need to fear or fret as long as I stay in the right location.  Lord I don’t want to move around any more. In this season of Lent, as I turn to You, help me make dwelling my habit so that I can stay in Your presence. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen


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Experiencing Jesus Together Through Lent

40 Daily Devotionals to cultivate your relationship with God “… Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits;” Psalm 103:2 Join praiseLive as we worship Jesus through Lent and treasure Him for who He is. Go deeper with God as we Read, Reflect, Praise and Pray through daily devotions that draw you closer to God’s heart of love for you.
