Experiencing Jesus Together Through Lentಮಾದರಿ

Experiencing Jesus Together Through Lent

DAY 1 OF 40

Day 1:
“I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection of the dead.”  Philippians 3:10-11 NIV

A Call To: Draw Near
Ahhh, here’s the point of Christian life—“I want to know Christ.” To know Christ in every way! Earlier in this scripture passage, it talks about “not having a righteousness of my own,” but one based on Jesus and faith in Him only, not my own attempts to be good.  Knowing Jesus is more than knowing about Jesus. Knowing Jesus means trusting Jesus. Trusting He loves you and me.  Leaning on His sinless life and death on a cross to save us because we can’t …absolutely cannot save ourselves! Relying on His resurrection for new life inside our own souls now, and eventually a new life physically, just like Jesus, when we too, are raised from the dead. What a massive relief to know that I cannot save myself, but Jesus can and Jesus does. Now good days, hard days, all days become about abiding in Jesus.


In what area of your life do you want to know Jesus and abide in Him more fully?

Praise + Prayer:
I want to know You more, Jesus! I don’t want to keep You out of any area of my life. Instead, I want to know You in every single part of my life…good days and days where I am suffering. Help me trust and abide in You, knowing that Your death and resurrection life both save and sustain me. Thank you. Amen! 

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About this Plan

Experiencing Jesus Together Through Lent

40 Daily Devotionals to cultivate your relationship with God “… Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits;” Psalm 103:2 Join praiseLive as we worship Jesus through Lent and treasure Him for who He is. Go deeper with God as we Read, Reflect, Praise and Pray through daily devotions that draw you closer to God’s heart of love for you.
