Experiencing Jesus Together Through Lentಮಾದರಿ

Experiencing Jesus Together Through Lent

DAY 40 OF 40

Day 40:

“That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.”  Philippians 3:10-11 NKJV

A Call To: Prepare

“What do you do for a living?” “Where did you go to school?” “Where are you from?” “What kind of jobs have you had?” “What is your experience?” “What are your accomplishments?” We have all either asked or been asked these questions. Questions that are designed to qualify and quantify the perceived value we bring to the world around us. Ouch. True, even if it hurts. 

I think there are better questions. “Who do you want to become?” “What do you want your life to look like?” “What do you want to be known for?” Paul understood this all too well. He had it all: the name, the home town, the degrees, the respect, and honor of his associates. But the older he became, the more he realized all those things had zero value in comparison to what really mattered. Becoming. Learning to love. Representing well, the one who had already achieved everything on his behalf. 


Jesus prepared himself for the passover, knowing full well what he would have to suffer. In his humanity, Jesus had become a man of deep faith, conviction and character. He accepted the role the Father gave him to suffer and accomplish what no one else could. We cannot match his suffering. But because he did, we can choose to live as he lived with deep faith, conviction, compassion and love.  

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any lies you may be believing that are hindering you from experiencing the full expression of his love; the full benefits of his suffering. Then ask God to replace those lies with His truth. Repenting and forgiving when needed. 

Praise + Prayer:
Father God, thank You for the privilege of calling You, Abba. Thank You, Jesus, for suffering on my behalf so that I can boldly partner with You. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for helping me become a unique expression of the beauty of Jesus and the love of the Father to the world around me. Thank You for the hope and promise of the resurrection.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Experiencing Jesus Together Through Lent

40 Daily Devotionals to cultivate your relationship with God “… Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits;” Psalm 103:2 Join praiseLive as we worship Jesus through Lent and treasure Him for who He is. Go deeper with God as we Read, Reflect, Praise and Pray through daily devotions that draw you closer to God’s heart of love for you.
