21 Days to Building a Faith Filled Family - Audio DevotionalSample

21 Days to Building a Faith Filled Family - Audio Devotional

DAY 15 OF 21

Honoring and Respecting Family Members

Hello friend, today is Day 15 of our 21-day devotional and we'll be discussing the importance of honoring and respecting the people you love most: your family members.

Let's pray before we begin.

Lord, thank you for my friend and the good work you're currently doing in their life. As we take this time today, show us insight into how we have treated our family members and help us see why honor and respect are so important to each other and to you. We pray that you will open our hearts and minds to you and your Holy Spirit. Amen.

In Exodus 20, God instructs the Israelites, through the Ten Commandments, to honor their fathers and mothers, that their days might be long in the land God was giving them. This is the first commandment with a promise attached to it. To live in peace for generations in the Promised Land, the Israelites would need to respect authority and build strong families.

But what does it mean to "honor" parents and family members? Partly, it means speaking well of them and politely to them. It also means acting in a way that shows courtesy and respect. It means following their teaching and example of putting God first. Parents alike have a special place in God's heart, remember God Himself is a parent! Even when we find it difficult to get along with our parents, we are still called to honor them. The same is true for the family members we share a home with.

God commands us to do this because peaceful and loving relationships are one way we live a long and fulfilling life in our own promised land.

How can you apply this instruction in your family? Do you believe that it is important to show respect and honor towards your family members? Does your family culture reflect your belief? Take a moment to reflect on these questions and ask that God provides you insight.


Have you ever thought about the difference between honor and respect?

One way I've heard honor and respect described is that honor is given, and respect is earned. Although this isn't a perfect way to view them, it can help us understand how our feelings and perspectives come into play.

Respect has to do with admiration. People we respect have demonstrated character traits or behaviors that we want to emulate. Respect can be earned or it can be lost by the way we act, speak, and live.

Honoring others is a choice that we make, and honor is something that we can willingly offer to others. For instance, we can honor the elderly by offering them our seats or holding the door open for them. We can also show honor to people in positions of authority or leadership.

Additionally, we should choose to honor our family members, as honoring them is an essential aspect of building stronger families. By doing so, we can create an environment of love and unity that allows our families to thrive.

Imagine how you’d feel if your spouse were to show you honor by speaking highly of you in public, or speaking to you kindly. Think about how you’d feel if your sibling suddenly started treating you with kindness or generosity. What if your child started showing you honor with his or her words and behavior.

Now think about how your family members would feel if you began doing those things. If you started speaking kindly. If you started encouraging others within your family. If you began to act more generous. What would they think? How would they react?

Showing honor to your family members is something that can completely shift the culture of your household. It all begins with the mindset and perspective that you willingly choose to have.

Take a moment and reflect on your perspective and overall behavior in the context of honoring your loved ones. Do you show honor to your spouse, siblings, and children? Do you feel honored?


Now, I know, honoring and respecting family members is not always easy, especially in the midst of conflict, or when you feel like your needs are not being met. You might feel like members of your family don’t deserve your respect. Maybe they’re behavior isn’t that which you admire, or worse, their behavior has hurt you and broken trust.

Unfortunately, this is common in many families, and if it is in yours, I’m sorry. I know how difficult that can be. Your heart is precious to the Lord, and He cares for you and your emotions. Scripture tells us that,

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Psalm 34:18

If you find yourself in a similar situation, I recommend you seek additional resources, such as books or studies. I also recommend you consider finding a Christian counselor with a solid understanding of God's Word.

As followers of Christ, being prayerful about our posture toward honor and respect is an important part of leading our families and ourselves. They're both fundamental pieces to healthy relationships. Spend a moment with God and ask Him to reveal to you if there's anything you need to do when it comes to honoring and respecting others.


The way your family acts and speaks towards one another is a key indicator of your family identity.

If you seek to develop honor and respect as foundational values in your family identity, there are plenty of ideas on how you can get started.

Pray: Your prayers have the power to change hearts, yours included. Begin praying for each member of your family, by name. Pray specifically for what they need, whether it’s patience, hope, peace, joy, kindness, or anything else. While you don’t have the ability to deposit those characteristics into their hearts, God does. Pray that He will.

Speak life: Let your words be spoken with honor and encouragement. Be the catalyst inside your home and see how others react. The way you treat your family members is a direct reflection of how you view your purpose inside your family. Is your purpose to edify and develop, or tear down? Use your words wisely, your tongue has great influence.

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

Let’s pray and ask God for the strength and wisdom to give honor and earn the respect of our family members, even in difficult situations.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of our families. Help us to show honor to our family members, even in difficult situations. Give us the strength and wisdom to practice active listening, forgiveness, and recognition of each family member's unique value and worth. We pray that our families will be filled with love and unity, and that we will always honor you in our relationships. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

I’ll leave you with Jesus now. Take all the time you need.

I’ll see you tomorrow.

Day 14Day 16

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21 Days to Building a Faith Filled Family - Audio Devotional

Families are an amazing mix of personalities, experiences, traditions, and much more. Over 21 days, we apply the ideas of identity, purpose, and direction to your family discussing topics and situations that almost every family faces. Each day focuses on how to build a strong and healthy Christian faith in your family. Join us on this 21 Day Audio Devotional.
