21 Days to Building a Faith Filled Family - Audio DevotionalSample

21 Days to Building a Faith Filled Family - Audio Devotional

DAY 14 OF 21

Building Strong Marriages in your Family

Welcome to Day 14 my dear friend. Today, we'll be discussing the topic of building strong marriages in your family.

Let me pray for you

Dear God, we thank you for the gift of marriage and the love that it represents. So much pain can come through marriage, and we pray for your healing. So much joy can come through marriage as well, and we pray for your blessing over it - whether it is the marriage of my friend here, or their parents, or their children. We pray that you would guide us in building strong and healthy marriages that honor you and bring joy to our families. Amen.

I encourage you to give your attention to Jesus for the next 15 minutes. Find a comfortable location and remove any distractions. If you’re listening to the audio, you can let the sound of my voice guide you.

Much like our day on raising godly children, you might already think this topic doesn’t directly apply to you. You might not be married. Or, you might be married, but not currently living with your spouse. Regardless of your specific circumstances, I encourage you to lean in and let Jesus guide you through today because family is deeply rooted in marriage, and what God reveals to you today may provide clarity to your family of origin, your children, your siblings, or you one day.

Let’s take a moment and reflect on the following question: How do you prioritize marriage in the midst of the demands of daily life? If you’re not married, how do you view marriage, or the potential of marriage in the midst of life’s demands? Take a few moments to think about this and write down your thoughts.


Marriage is the foundation of most families, and a strong marriage can set the tone for a healthy and thriving family life. If the marriage is strong, the family relationship is typically strong. In fact, I heard a pastor teach that one of the greatest factors that determines whether a child continues in their faith after school and into adulthood is the health of the relationship between mom and dad. Essentially, a positive view of marriage.

If that’s true, then the most important thing you can do for your child’s faith is maintain, or support, a healthy and strong marriage.

That might sound difficult. Of course, marriage isn’t easy. There are plenty of challenges, struggles, tensions, and issues. Even the demands and distractions of daily life make it challenging for couples to prioritize their relationship with one another. There always seems to be something pulling or competing for your attention?

You know this, but one of the keys to building a strong marriage is to prioritize time with your spouse. Make sure to carve out time for one-on-one dates, quality conversations, and shared activities that you both enjoy. Even small gestures, like a loving text message or a surprise cup of coffee, can help to strengthen your bond because it demonstrates your prioritization of your spouse.

Our phones, especially, have become a major distraction in relationships. I heard a pastor say, ‘We touch our phones more than we touch our spouses.” It’s sad, but it’s also so true.

Let’s make the commitment that we will prioritize our spouse, or significant other, above our phones, above social media, above distractions, above work, above our friends, and above ourselves. Let’s commit to speaking life over our spouse, and over the other marriages in our lives. Whether it be our parents, our friends, our coworkers, or siblings, let’s ensure we are praying for them, encouraging them, and loving them well.

Did you know that there are different ways of showing and receiving love? In Dr. Gary Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages, he teaches that each of us has 5 ways in which we show and receive love.

They are; acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, giving and receiving gifts, and quality time. Dr. Chapman further explains that we each have preferences in how we both receive and demonstrate love. A great way to prioritize your relationship is to learn your spouse’s ‘Love Language’ so you can ensure that you’re showing love in the best way.

Take a minute to reflect, how do you currently show love to your spouse? Is that the way they best receive love? How would you most like to receive love?


I hope not, but for you, marriage might be a source of great pain. You might have been hurt or wounded, or even abused within marriage. If that’s the case, I’m truly sorry.

Marriage is designed to be a covenant relationship and a representation of our relationship with Christ. In a two-way covenant relationship, both parties are fully committed to the benefit and success of the other, regardless of their personal benefit. The two parties don’t give 50% and 50%. No, in a covenant relationship both parties give the relationship 100%. Everything.

It’s this level of commitment that represents two people becoming one flesh.

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”

Matthew 19:5

Christ wants to be united with us in a covenant relationship. In several places, He refers to himself as the bridegroom, and we, as a body of Christians, the church, are his bride. This simply means that we are his cherished and beloved, and as in Jewish custom, He has gone ahead to prepare the way and space for us with His Father who is in heaven.

If you’ve been hurt by somebody in a marriage, I don’t believe that is God’s design for marriage. If you’ve hurt somebody in your marriage, use this time today to think about how to reconcile and restore that relationship through humility and forgiveness.

I believe God is for a strong and healthy marriage. If you are currently married, look for resources to strengthen your relationship with your spouse. No matter the cost or amount of effort you put in, the return will be worth it. After all, who we marry, and the dynamics of that relationship affect everything in our lives.

If you aren’t married, let’s ensure that we are supporting and encouraging the healthy and strong institution of marriage overall. Even if it’s not right for you, or for your right now, marriage is one of the relationships God often uses to grow, mature and refine His people. And it could be in the future for you, your children, siblings, or other family members.

Sit back and spend some time with the Lord. Let God reveal some things you do well, and let Him reveal some areas that you could improve your relationship.

He will guide you.

Let me pray for you.

Lord, I give you my friend. I pray that you work in their hearts and minds to view marriage as you do, and a beautiful union between two people, and you. Help us all to see it as a Holy thing. I pray for healing for my friend. If there has been any pain or brokenness that occurred in marriage, I pray it is healed by you. I pray you bless all the marriages in their lives, whether it be theirs, or their family members’. We know you work in and through marriage. Please help us to see that and support it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I’ll leave you with Jesus for the rest of the time. Take as long as you’d like.

I’ll talk with you tomorrow.


Day 13Day 15

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21 Days to Building a Faith Filled Family - Audio Devotional

Families are an amazing mix of personalities, experiences, traditions, and much more. Over 21 days, we apply the ideas of identity, purpose, and direction to your family discussing topics and situations that almost every family faces. Each day focuses on how to build a strong and healthy Christian faith in your family. Join us on this 21 Day Audio Devotional.
