21 Days to Building a Faith Filled Family - Audio DevotionalSample

21 Days to Building a Faith Filled Family - Audio Devotional

DAY 20 OF 21

Setting Goals and Building a Plan for Your Family

It’s Day 20, friend. We’re almost near the end, but today we have an important topic. Today, we will be discussing how to set goals and build a plan for your family.

Let me pray for us before we begin.

Lord, thank you for the good work you have done in us and in our families. Thank you that you have set identity, purpose, and direction for our lives. I pray that you give my friend guidance and wisdom about the direction of their family. I pray for your perseverance towards milestones and goals. Let each one be led by you. Amen.

Set aside the next 15 minutes for Jesus. Find a comfortable place and remove any distractions. If you’re listening to the audio, you can close your eyes and listen to my voice.

Establishing clear goals and developing a well-crafted plan are crucial elements of achieving success in any area of life. Many of us have these for our careers, and they are equally as important in our family life. Research has proven that setting a goal and putting it in writing significantly improves the chances of accomplishing it, especially when combined with accountability and visibility.

However, the pursuit of goals must be grounded in purpose. Remember our earlier discussions about your family's role within God's Kingdom? Today, we aim to turn those reflections into concrete objectives and action steps.

Before we proceed, let's reflect on your family's purpose. Has it evolved since we began our journey together? What insights has the Lord revealed regarding your family's collective purpose?


It's perfectly normal if you haven't fully figured that out yet. Your identity and purpose evolve as you continue on your journey with God. What's most important is your dedication to seeking divine guidance in determining your family's path. Jesus instructed us to "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness..."

Seeking God and his guidance for setting and pursuing family goals is not a task to be completed alone. Collaboration and unity within the family unit are essential. That way you all can be moving in the same direction and the same pace instead of having divided or competing goals. As Jesus warned,

"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand."

Matthew 12:25

I encourage you to pray together as a family, pursuing God's wisdom and guidance for your household. I believe God will use the various personalities in your family to provide a mosaic of perspectives and ideas on a long term direction for your family.

In addition to prayer, clearly defining your family's vision collectively helps guide your family life according to God's will.

To determine your family vision, imagine the destination of your family. In other words, picture the goal, the culture, the impact of your family at a specific date in the future. Then reverse-engineer the steps required to reach it to determine what you need to be doing today to get there.

Alignment and agreement upon this destination will influence the success of arriving there.

If you have a collective destination, direction, or vision, something long-term your family is aiming for, do your decisions and values today align with this?

For instance, if financial freedom is an aspect of your family’s vision, but your family's spending habits today conflict with this value, it's time to make some adjustments.

Or, if your family’s vision includes serving the needy or

Clearly articulate your goals and engage each family member in the process. Set measurable, attainable, and relevant objectives that reflect your family's vision. Break these goals down into actionable steps, assigning responsibilities accordingly.

I encourage you to pray, communicate, and follow through, together. When all members are working together, in the same direction, at the same pace, with God’s blessing, you’ll be amazed at what you’ll be able to accomplish.

Before I leave you with Jesus, let me pray for you.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your guidance and strength as we work towards building a strong family. Help us to establish shared goals and vision. Help us to create a plan that honors you and brings glory to your name. Guide us in all our decisions and actions as a family. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

Take all the time you’d like.

I’ll talk to you tomorrow.


Day 19Day 21

About this Plan

21 Days to Building a Faith Filled Family - Audio Devotional

Families are an amazing mix of personalities, experiences, traditions, and much more. Over 21 days, we apply the ideas of identity, purpose, and direction to your family discussing topics and situations that almost every family faces. Each day focuses on how to build a strong and healthy Christian faith in your family. Join us on this 21 Day Audio Devotional.
