Thunder (S2-E1)Sample

Thunder (S2-E1)

DAY 4 OF 4

I Need You to Show the Way

In the section from John, we see Jesus showing Himself to the disciples. He addresses them with "shalom" - Peace, and shows Himself. It is really Him!

And almost immediately after, He says, "As the Father has sent Me, so I also send you." As I" - says Jesus - "so also you." That means a lot.

Of course that "As I, so also you" is about what they were allowed to bring. They were allowed to convey His Teaching, His Doctrine, His Thoughts. In short, everything they had received from Him. (And what a blessing that they did, for because of that we now have it too!).

But another implication of "As I, so also you" is that we may do it the same way Jesus did. Just as Jesus was sent by the Father and put more than 75% of His time into making disciples, so are we called to do the same.

Jesus is actually saying: "As I have walked with you, and in connection with My Father have shared My Life with you, and have been with you - in the same way you must do the same with others now."

This "As I, so also you," is about both what Jesus taught and did, but also how He did it. Is that visible in your life?

In The Chosen, a few more beautiful words follow this sentence. Jesus says, "I need you to show the way. To be humble." What an addition, and how difficult that addition sometimes makes it.

After all, it was Jesus who said "Come and learn from Me that I am meek and humble in heart." And in the first letter of Peter, that also comes back several times; being humble, in other words. It was so characteristic of the Example Life of Jesus, but do people around me see it in my life?

Let's practice this:

Practicing to live in the Way of Jesus. Sticking to His Teaching, as well as His Method.

And practice to do so in humility.

Take the following questions to think about:

  • How did Jesus make disciples?
  • How do you do that?
  • What is your desire for this?
  • How will you do that concretely?
  • Is your life characterised by humility?
  • Can you think of other characteristics (such as humility) of Jesus?

Prayer: "Lord, You give us a wonderful example. Your Life speaks, inspires, and is attractive. I want to follow You. I want to do what You did. I want, Lord, for people to see You in me.

Lord, I cannot do that myself, and I recognize that I need You so much for that. Will You help me, teach me to go Your Way? And would You give me abundant joy as You, in this process become more and more visible? Amen."

P.S. This is the last day of this Reading Plan. We hope it has helped you as a follower of Jesus and that you have enjoyed it.

The materials in this Reading Plan come from Alongsiders, a European discipleship movement, and

Of course, there is much more to discover! Do you want to take the next step? Do you have a heart for discipleship and do you want to know more about how to follow Jesus together with others? Visit our website.

Day 3